Quebec City mosque shooting, eh?

Nothing more than work place violence. The Obama admin. Explained it in 09, wrt the fort hood massacre.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano stated "we object to—and do not believe—that anti-Muslim sentiment should emanate from this ... This was an individual who does not, obviously, represent the Muslim faith.
Shiites and Sunnis hate each other.

I've seen more news articles blaming Trump's muslim ban than I've seen info on the mosque in question, which is a sunni mosque, and most of the high profile terrorists now are sunnis (ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc). The shia are Lebanon / Syria (government side) / Iran, mainly.
ISIS has been almost as ruthless to Shia they capture as they are to Christians. Maybe someone's getting payback against Sunni? It sounds like muslim on muslim, so this story should be good.

I'm guessing Alexandre Bissonnette was apologizing while Mohamed El Khadir was doing the shooting.
All of a sudden this story is about to take off again in the news...

Will it ? checked around the world press the headlines scream Trump immigration protests... almost all major news outlet have posted articles about the Quebec terror attack, but not one mentions the attackers were muslim​ Guess would take the steam out of the faux outrage
No, the snackbar was apparently just a witness and snatched up in the Canadian cops' zeal. That must have been one embarassing press conference. The shooting idiot acted alone and called cops on himself after wanting to jump off a bridge. Another winner here.
Earlier I was reading AK, but that's the media, it could have been a driven Holland and Holland double rifle, which would explain the three reloads and six killed.
In Canada, especially that far up, it was probably just a lead filled snowshoe

Cops aren't saying yet.

Canadian media are already playing up the "guns are easy to get in the States and then smuggle here" angle, as well as the "it's easy to modify a permitted AK clone to make it extra killy" angle.

I swear, replace "Canada" with "Massachusetts" and "the USA" with "neighboring states" and it could easily have been a Globe piece.
Canada News Tonight:
"News worthy stuff is being ignored due to the lack of Canadian content so that we may bring you more Canadian generated content in the news." Back to you Dan.

"Jane you ignorant slut..."

I miss you Jane and Dan on World News Tonight at a time when we all need really stupid parody (independent thoughts) to make us see what it really wrong with the perspective of "news providers".
So if it is confirmed that this idiot was white supremacist non-Muslim, will anyone here be apologizing for jumping to conclusions? I doubt it.
White supremacists Always shout Allah Snackbar whilst shooting. You still wearing that costume from the march?
Cops aren't saying yet.

Canadian media are already playing up the "guns are easy to get in the States and then smuggle here" angle, as well as the "it's easy to modify a permitted AK clone to make it extra killy" angle.

I swear, replace "Canada" with "Massachusetts" and "the USA" with "neighboring states" and it could easily have been a Globe piece.

Sounds like a good case for a border wall! Goddamn illegal Americans sneaking into Canada!
We might never know, the press in Canada are instructed not to encourage copycats. School shooters don't have their names released for example.

The US should adopt this. Just like the camera doesn't show morons that run onto the field during a baseball game. They seek to not encourage this behavior.

In the US, regarding mass shootings, the media seeks to expose every last little detail about the shooter. Their upbringing, their religion (or lack thereof), what they ate for dinner the night before, how big their last crap was, etc. Now, you have people trying to get the high score like its a friggin video game.
This nanosecond news delivery lame, time and time again we see the early details reported are total shite. The worst is when the Internet Justice League uses this misinformation to start ruining "suspects" lives via the social media mob.

I like the old news cycle, it took a solid 12-24 hrs to gather and verify the initial details with a reasonable quality result. It's almost as if the journalists had professional standards.

I also agree with the approach of limited to no coverage of the suspects, tell me all about the victims, not how they died, but how they lived.

Get off my virtual lawn!!
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