Press Release - Church Security Scholarships

Big Daddy 45acp

Nov 30, 2005
Lynn, MA
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
In light of the recent Church shootings in Colorado, Gabe Suarez issued the following press release:
"There just isn't enough money in the kingdom to hire off-duty police officers to stand guard at every door of every church," he said. He added that he didn't want to turn people away: "I want the church to be a welcome place for sinners."

Rev. Al Meredith


I respectfully but totally disagree. I will say that you do not need...nor want off-duty cops. You need ARMED CHRISTIAN VOLUNTEERS.

To that end, some training is needed, and we will put it in the hands of every church.

Suarez International will teach one Church Security Training Course in 2008 at no charge to church security teams. The cost will be zero. Obviously we can't teach these in every small town in America so we will select a centralized location in the country to handle this.

Interested Pastors, please contact our office via email - [email protected]

While Gabe addresses Christians, this is also open to our Jewish Brethren. To quote Gabe's response:

Originally Posted by memnoch
Can synagogues get in on the action too?

Gabe Suarez

So, if you are interested, contact Gabe. You and/or your fellow worshipers could be getting some valuable training for low cost (travel and lodging).
I should live to see the day that any Jewish Synagogue leadership stands up for the right to protect their own flock!! [thinking]

All leaders that I know take the attitude that guns should be banned, are evil, and only police should be responsible for protection. "Dial 911 and Die!!" is the motto! [puke2]

I would love to be proven wrong!
I should live to see the day that any Jewish Synagogue leadership stands up for the right to protect their own flock!! [thinking]

All leaders that I know take the attitude that guns should be banned, are evil, and only police should be responsible for protection. "Dial 911 and Die!!" is the motto! [puke2]

I would love to be proven wrong!

I agree 100%. More than anywhere else, I fear the fallout of being made at temple.
Ironically, Yom Kippur is one of those days that I could see some nut job attacking a temple.

I should live to see the day that any Jewish Synagogue leadership stands up for the right to protect their own flock!!

All leaders that I know take the attitude that guns should be banned, are evil, and only police should be responsible for protection. "Dial 911 and Die!!" is the motto!

I would love to be proven wrong!

It varies. I know one Rabbi whose contract contained a clause the "The Rabbi shall not carry a gun in a temple." A Jewish friend of mine who attends a different temple was subtly encouraged to carry when at the temple.

What is interesting is the Mormons - it is doubtful they don't have an armed/survivalist bent, however, they are the only church that has taken the step of registering their facilities as "carry permit not valid" zones (an authority specifically delegated to churches by UT law).
I should live to see the day that any Jewish Synagogue leadership stands up for the right to protect their own flock!! [thinking]

All leaders that I know take the attitude that guns should be banned, are evil, and only police should be responsible for protection. "Dial 911 and Die!!" is the motto! [puke2]

I would love to be proven wrong!

If there is one group of people in the world that should be the most pro-gun it's the Jews. I can't understand, considering their history, how a Jew could be anti-gun.
What fallout? That you might be ostracized by sheep for doing your duty to your family and congregation?

I'd take that deal.---jose
It sounds like he is “taking that deal” and protecting himself, his family (if he has one) and his congregation. Good on him!

People can be very opinionated, narrow minded and can have very little compassion for other’s views and concerns. Not wanting either himself and perhaps family to be ostracized by the people one wishes to pray with is a very reasonable desire.

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I don't remember what year it was but NYC Mayor Koch made a futile bid for President.

I recall that he was going to speak at a local Synagogue and we went to hear him speak. I also recall that I thought it would be an "opportune" moment for "anti-social behavior" in a target-rich environment, thus I went armed . . . never gave it a second thought. They had one detail police officer and I suspect no USSS or I probably would have been in for a "bad time" (now that I reflect on it many years later).
What the hell part of the old story cops almost always show up too late to stop an armed criminals don't people understand. Do these people think cops see the future to prevent crime?[grin]
The Omaha mall shooting was done in a minute. The cops arrived in six. He could have taken his time -- five whole minutes -- and not a thing could have been done.
If there is one group of people in the world that should be the most pro-gun it's the Jews. I can't understand, considering their history, how a Jew could be anti-gun.

I can't either... and I have regular fights with my mother and sister over it, too.
I've gotten my mom to actually shoot - twice - but she's still not for CCW laws.

I can understand my sister - sort of - but my mother has BEEN to the Holocaust memorial in Israel - she's SEEN the displays. (There's one that I'll see - a block of gold extracted from the teeth of gas chamber victims - in my mind's eye until the day I die.) I just don't understand.
I can't either... and I have regular fights with my mother and sister over it, too.
I've gotten my mom to actually shoot - twice - but she's still not for CCW laws.

I can understand my sister - sort of - but my mother has BEEN to the Holocaust memorial in Israel - she's SEEN the displays. (There's one that I'll see - a block of gold extracted from the teeth of gas chamber victims - in my mind's eye until the day I die.) I just don't understand.

It certainly isn't "logical thought" but more of the socialist beliefs of most Jews that "the gov't will always take care of them"!! No point in mentioning how the German gov't "took care of them" either, it just doesn't "compute"! [thinking] [sad]

Ross, re the block of gold. Was that at Yad Vashem? I've been there twice and don't recall seeing it . . . and I'm sure that it would have been something that I'd never forget if I did see it.
I should live to see the day that any Jewish Synagogue leadership stands up for the right to protect their own flock!! [thinking]

All leaders that I know take the attitude that guns should be banned, are evil, and only police should be responsible for protection. "Dial 911 and Die!!" is the motto! [puke2]

I would love to be proven wrong!

You, don't know my rabbi. Very conservative. I've never broached this subject, although I've thought about it for years. Even before it was fashionable to worry about this kind of thing.

That aside, you are right. Jews, the group that more than any other should be aware of the importance of the right of self defense, are the first group to disavow it. We never do seem to learn, do we.

If there is one group of people in the world that should be the most pro-gun it's the Jews. I can't understand, considering their history, how a Jew could be anti-gun.

It's the triumph of idealism over reality. At least in this country. The Israeli's have it pretty much figured out. Which is why I used to get a kick out of Ann Landers listing Israel as a low violence country because of hand gun control. More lying with statistics. When you have that many people armed with automatic weapons, who needs hand guns? <G>

And yet, we don't see a large number of Israeli mass murders, do we?

Ross, re the block of gold. Was that at Yad Vashem? I've been there twice and don't recall seeing it . . . and I'm sure that it would have been something that I'd never forget if I did see it.

It was, indeed, at the Yad Vashem. It was there in December of 1975; I don't remember if it was there in July of '74 when I was there the first time. Didn't really click with me the first time; when I was there the second time it was somehow more "real" to me... or maybe it was the difference between 14 years old and 15 & 1/2.

Trust me... it was there. It was about 3" or so square and maybe 3/4" thick. It wasn't a perfect block; it was textured and not squared. It was in a plexiglass or Lexan case - looked like the panels were about 3/8" thick - and the case was the top part of a black pedestal about a foot or 16" square and maybe 4' tall. I'll never forget the sight of it... I remember reading the card and feeling my hand going up to my mouth to touch my teeth... which had fillings in them even then. It was a sight that made my blood run cold.
Hmm, I was there in 1989 and 2000. Don't recall seeing it.

They might move exhibits in and out.

My camera caught more of the exhibits than my eye did I suspect. Some day I'll have to go thru the pictures/videos and see.

From a search for "gold teeth" on yielded this report, Document # 159 from Poland. It lists the amount of plunder that was stolen from the Jews from that particular district.

Reich Secret Document

The SS and Police Leader (SS-und Polizeifuhrer) in the District of
Galicia Lvov, June 30, 1943

Re: Solution of the Jewish Question in Galicia.

Reference: Attached Report

11.730 kg gold teeth bridges
My church (United Church of Christ) has Christmas tree ornaments of guns with red lines through them.

They do have an "armed security volunteer" though... they just don't know it. [wink]
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