Poverty Article

[sarcasm mode]Well, you know, none of them were poor, except when a Republican is in office. I mean, we just couldn't blame the people themselves for their own laziness, could we?[/sarcasm mode]

It's been a not so well known fact that the party of bigotry HAS to be the Democrats. They're the only party that figures the poor minorities are just too inadequate genetically to take care of themselves or accept responsibility. 40 years ago, I would've believed the minorotoes were downtrodden. But, they've had ample opportunity to move up since then.

Sorry, I have ZERO empathy for anyone that is too LAZY to move up in life. I've seen a LOT of minority folks that grew up poor that crawled out of that. They weren't lazy, that's for damned sure, and I have a LOT of RESPECT for every one of them.
One of those hits was this one talking about the playlist on his friggin' iPod, for G-d's sake!

You need to read this, and see how they analyze his tastes. I particularly like the way that they criticize that fact that he's got "My Sharona" on it. Hell, I like the song! Doesn't mean ANYTHING other that it's got a great beat!

They've got to dig deep and use the Trivial Crap. It's not like he's Bill Clinton, where there was a new scandal almost monthly, and most of them were of a serious nature.
My dad grew up in the projects, single mother in the 50's and all. He didn't complain. He bucked up, worked his ass off and then at 18 enlisted in the USAF and sent most of his pay home, plus cutthroat winnings (Still to this day have not beat my old man at cribbage).

I have seen with my own eyes what hard work gets you. I know that if I want a good life for me, a wife and kids, I gotta work for it.

Like every son, I had my trouble with my old man early on. But after being out on my own for 6 yrs before the SHTF, I saw exactly where he was coming from and can be proud of him.

When any of us boys bitches about not having enough money and not working for it he just says 'When I joined the Air Force, I just had 50 cents in my pocket.'

God, F'ing Dems.
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