Political Correctness is ruining this country.


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NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0

If there is anything wrong this quote we have some major problems in our society.

Jada Pinkett :

``Women, you can have it all - a loving man, devoted husband, loving children, a fabulous career,'' she said. ``They say you gotta choose. Nah, nah, nah. We are a new generation of women. We got to set a new standard of rules around here. You can do whatever it is you want. All you have to do is want it.''
derek said:
I was pissed off enough to start the thread so have at it. :D

Seriously, i dont want to go into great detail about my beliefs on gays, but here's a brief summary:

Do whatever makes you happy in life. You wanna be gay, fine. But for gods sake, shut up about it.

Gay rights?! There should be no such thing, because there is no identifier as to whether you are gay or not. Race? well sure, thats obvious. I am 100% colorblind (figuratively speaking), and i hate the fact that libs try to equate gay rights to racial rights. It is not the same thing!!! There are no busses or bathrooms that ban gays.

Marriage? A gay person can marry someone of the opposite sex just as easily as a straight person. I see no discrimination. Marriage has been defined. I have no problem (if it would stop them bitching about marriage) having a provision for civil unions that would provide similar legal rights.

The link in the first post is BEYOND rediculous. So much so, that i cant even find words to respond.
Triumph955i said:
derek said:
I was pissed off enough to start the thread so have at it. :D

Seriously, i dont want to go into great detail about my beliefs on gays, but here's a brief summary:

Do whatever makes you happy in life. You wanna be gay, fine. But for gods sake, shut up about it.

Gay rights?! There should be no such thing, because there is no identifier as to whether you are gay or not. Race? well sure, thats obvious. I am 100% colorblind (figuratively speaking), and i hate the fact that libs try to equate gay rights to racial rights. It is not the same thing!!! There are no busses or bathrooms that ban gays.

Marriage? A gay person can marry someone of the opposite sex just as easily as a straight person. I see no discrimination. Marriage has been defined. I have no problem (if it would stop them bitching about marriage) having a provision for civil unions that would provide similar legal rights.

The link in the first post is BEYOND rediculous. So much so, that i cant even find words to respond.

Well put. And I agree those little liberal college students need to learn a little bit about how the world works.
Triumph955i said:
derek said:
Well put. And I agree those little liberal college students need to learn a little bit about how the world works.

O boy, not going to get into this one :D [/opening can of worms]

LOL let me add "IN MY OPINION", but according to some the 1st amendment only applies when they agree with what you are saying.
derek said:
Triumph955i said:
derek said:
Well put. And I agree those little liberal college students need to learn a little bit about how the world works.

O boy, not going to get into this one :D [/opening can of worms]

LOL let me add "IN MY OPINION", but according to some the 2nd amendment only applies when they agree with what you are saying.

I think you mean the 1st amendment.
NO,NO No, Those little liberal college students only see the world through their rose colored glasses. I won't start worked with far too many,and hubby still has to work with them.
centermass181 said:
they start changing thier tune a little when they start seeing their tax bill.

Only the smart ones. The rest just bitch about the taxes, believe the Dem's when they say they won't raise taxes, then forgive them when they do on the promise they will get more hand-outs.
Alot of the hardcore socalists want MORE TAXES to pay for important Handout programs. (some of the idiots at work) I had one joker who is a euro weenie saying how great Spain was and no racism etc, I called BS on him right then and there. once I called it on him he tried to shuffle around it but couldn't. God by the end of the week I am ready to scream.
Very socialist and repressive. the numbnuts has a dual citizenship and some land there from his dead father. So he has been there twice in his life for maybe 2 weeks and think he knows all about it. [roll]
Christ I lived in Berlin germany for two years and I can't say I know everything about germany. He is just an arrogent little man who is a screaming lib. (his wife was busy war protesting and he was trying not to piss me off. ) they where so upset about W winning again they where going to move to canada. (they had never been there and had any real idea what it is like but they consider it the last best hope Kind of crap.)

I pointed out if I can survive 8 years of Clinton they can suck it up for another 4 years. Or just leave and renouce your citizenship. Make sure to do that part. [lol]
Wildweasel said:
they where so upset about W winning again they where going to move to canada. (they had never been there and had any real idea what it is like but they consider it the last best hope Kind of crap.)

HAHA. I am surrounded by liberals. My parents are very centrist... but my older brother is extreme left. Hippy-musician left. We both grew up as musicians, but he fell into that whole peace-love-hippy-weed thing. I smartened up. Political discussions when we both visit my parents are interesting to say the least. Last i knew, my brother promised to move to Canada if W won.... Looks like he really just let his mouth write a check his butt couldnt cash.

My wife works at the university. they are all EXTREME liberal there (i could go one for hours about them). She, thankfully, is not. I met her for lunch there one time. after i left, one of her co-workers jokingly asked, "did he have a gun?" she says, "yeah, forty-five"... no reply, just a look of shock from the libs.
The worst and best of it is that we strived to develop a nation that could feel safe in their homes and in their travels. The problem with that is that there is always someone waiting to take advantage of a secure thinking person. This is what the libs, anti-gun, big brother will take care of me types don't understand. "Someone else will take care of me".

It boggles my mind that 9/11 did not wake these friggin' idiots up.
YEa 9/11 doesn't mean anything to these idiots. I watched the planes go in
pn a tv I set up in the office with the whole lot, and when the 2nd hit I knew
It was war. (and the scumbad Bin Laden did it) They where in denial ,
and I was wanting to get the hell out of dodge and bug back in to the house.
Knowing that if it was a full scale attack the infastructure was next.

Now in 2005 they just don't see any connection to then.

Enough about them. [roll]
Oh Cripes! DON'T get me started!! I *HATE* PC'ness, I*HATE* snotty youngsters who think they know how the world works and couldn't find their butts with a flashlight at noon on a sunny day. I *HATE* liberals who think they know what's best for ME. I especially *HATE* politicians who think I'm too damn stupid to understand what the heck is going on. I *HATE* special interest groups who think the world owes them a life, and there's too many of them to list. Oh, the whole list is soooooo long..... I don't think there's enough band width to handle it all.
Lynne said:
Oh Cripes! DON'T get me started!! I *HATE* PC'ness, I*HATE* snotty youngsters who think they know how the world works and couldn't find their butts with a flashlight at noon on a sunny day. I *HATE* liberals who think they know what's best for ME. I especially *HATE* politicians who think I'm too damn stupid to understand what the heck is going on. I *HATE* special interest groups who think the world owes them a life, and there's too many of them to list. Oh, the whole list is soooooo long..... I don't think there's enough band width to handle it all.

I like this lady. :D
derek said:
Lynne said:
Oh Cripes! DON'T get me started!! I *HATE* PC'ness, I*HATE* snotty youngsters who think they know how the world works and couldn't find their butts with a flashlight at noon on a sunny day. I *HATE* liberals who think they know what's best for ME. I especially *HATE* politicians who think I'm too damn stupid to understand what the heck is going on. I *HATE* special interest groups who think the world owes them a life, and there's too many of them to list. Oh, the whole list is soooooo long..... I don't think there's enough band width to handle it all.

I like this lady. :D

[lol] Why, thank you, kind sir. :D
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