Police beating of Las Vegas man caught on tape

Looking forward to the follow up post a couple months from now saying no wrongdoing was done by the officer(s) and they are back on duty.

Actually, the officer involved is still on duty. You'd think they would have at least put him on administrative duty while investigating.
"In 2009, he (Colling) confronted a mentally ill 15-year-old Tanner Chamberlain, who was holding a knife in front of his mother and waving it in the direction of officers. Colling shot him in the head." -LVRJ

The officer in question, Derek Colling:

He's shot a couple of suspects in the line of duty as well. I think he's just paying back the world for all the times he has his head flushed in a toilet in school.

Is the cop wearing lipstick???
And they wonder why people don't trust them?

Supporters say "It's just a few bad apples", well you could say the same about Muslims, I guess.
And they wonder why people don't trust them?

Supporters say "It's just a few bad apples", well you could say the same about Muslims, I guess.
It doesn't take many people to give the whole group of people a bad name especially when a lot of people don't personally know people in that particular group. Also people that may even know cops don't trust other cops. Like one of my friends says he doesn't like cops but his uncle is one. I say you don't like cops but your uncles one? He says "Oh but my uncles different from most cops"[rolleyes]
I would be curious to see what the posters on NevadaShooters.com have to say. Unfortunately I refuse to visit that forum for events posted in the past. But if anyone wants to see what they say, I'd be interested. ?
Charges have been dropped by the Clark County DA on the accused Crooks, and Officer Colling has been suspended with pay pending an internal affairs investigation. This is from the from the Las Vegas Review website.

This is not the first time Crooks has videoed the police. According to the same article he made a video in Inglewood, CA of police there beating a 16 year old boy. Apparently he tried to sell that video and then declined to give it to prosecutors, according to the same article. He was then arrested for unrelated drunk driving charges and petty theft charges on old warrants.

Again, according to the same article Officer Colling has been involved not just in one, but two fatal shootings within the past 5-51/2 years.

Mark L.
Watching videos like this make my blood boil... scumbag cops who think they can do anything they want
Charges have been dropped by the Clark County DA on the accused Crooks, and Officer Colling has been suspended with pay pending an internal affairs investigation. This is from the from the Las Vegas Review website.

This is not the first time Crooks has videoed the police. According to the same article he made a video in Inglewood, CA of police there beating a 16 year old boy. Apparently he tried to sell that video and then declined to give it to prosecutors, according to the same article. He was then arrested for unrelated drunk driving charges and petty theft charges on old warrants.

Again, according to the same article Officer Colling has been involved not just in one, but two fatal shootings within the past 5-51/2 years.

Mark L.

This guy is obviously a troll, by Colling does not deserve suspended WITH pay...
This is not the first time Crooks has videoed the police.

Good! I think we need as many people videoing the police as possible. And it should be legal in every state.

Hell, Video cameras are small enough now that police should have to wear one as standard equipment.
Sorry to all the LEOs who disagree - but bullshit - the guy has a right to film the officer in question and the cop should have stopped the second the videographer said Im within my rights.

ANY cop demanding a camera shutoff is one to be wary of.
and you know what, Id be GLAD to give you a copy, but at the same time, I reserve the right to do what I want with the video, including broadcasting it on social media sites. when a cop gets like what happened in Vegas or anywhere, shoving, assaultng or demanding a turned off camera, then we have a problem.

I have written a lot in the past as an op-ed columnist, I have no fear or problem with police or the courts - but lets face it, dude, in public, I dont care if you're a cop, joe blow citizen, Barack Obama or the Queen, you have no right in the US, to expect privacy - that camera is an extension of my first amendment rights.

If a cop fears the citizen with the camera, then the citizen (s) at large should be the ones in fear.

Your absolutely right. When I was on the job, working your area, If I saw someone filming me, I would thank them for assisting me in collecting the evidence. Then I would inform them that they would be served with a supeona and to bring the video with them. That usually ended that. Never fight with them, thank them.
Isolated incident. No dogs were executed. Everyone made it home safe with full union benefits and pay.
I dont know why you think that being called as a witness is a threat, it sure as hell isn't to me. I "involved" myself in the apprehension of a robbery suspect on the T - I volunteered my information but just as easily could ave told the cop to screw and walked away, but had an interest in seeing that the shitbrick went to jail.

Seriously, dude, who gives a shit about being a witness - unless its the witness to a cops' bad behavior - is that what you're referring to?

Do whatever your want as to putting it on display. Don't alter it, then the fun starts.

I have found that over the years, that when some one that likes to involve themselves are told that they are now going to be witnesses for the Commonwealth, that thier plans change.
I have had times when people handed me videos of a violation of law, and after viewing the video. I told them great I can use that, but you will have testify that you took the video and that it is, as you saw the violation. In other words they had to validate the video. I never heard from them again.

I'm curious, why does a video have to be validated? If the persons in the video can be IDed from it, then what's the problem of it being anonymous? It's not like you can really fabricate something like that.
This is, assuming that they have decided to use that video as evidence - a lot of times, such exhibits will be tossed out during discovery.

When dealing with the court in a criminal matter, everything must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The defendant has the right to face his accuser and ask questions of that person. Do wish to give up those rights because something was on a video? The camera could be subject for examination, by a person who can question that camera's ability.
Not wrong - partially true - it all depends on what's negotiated pre-trial - no defense attorney worth his orher salt isn't going to try and fight the admission o video, its not out of the realm of possibility to be chucked. That doesn't mean however that the camera person won't be named as a witness.

And to be clear, Im not trying to be a prick or act anti- law enforcement. I worked for a very long time as an EMT and had to work with many levels of LEO and Fed. What I don't like is bullies with badges, Im sure you'll agree that such folks make the job of an honest cop that much more difficult.

These laws on wiretapping have GOT to change to keep up with the times - that whole case in Indiana, where the biker with the helmet cam is facing 20 years for videotaping his arrest infuriates me, as does the case of the attorney in Boston who taped an arrest, only to be arrested for illegal wiretapping. Cops can no more expect privacy in public than I as joe-mook citizen can, walking down the street....I guess this is where I ge pissed off and downright rebellious - public way is public way and the first amendment in my opinion, is sacrosanct.

Wrong answer, I was the person that did the prosecution, on my cases. So the video would not be tossed, It would have to be admitted to, with a plea or go to trial.
The laws for wiretapping and eavesdropping need to go back to reflecting the words they were based on. You can't wiretap yourself nor can you eavesdrop on yourself, except in the legal bizzaro world.

That doesn't mean privacy protections can't exist on 2nd party recordings made. But the law has to punish those who violate the privacy of others not those who seek to defend themselves from the lies of others.
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