Please sign electronic petition to the governor. let's light it up.

5.5k people who call their state reps and the governor might actually have an impact (however minimal)

5.5k people who sign an anonymous online petition is completely pointless
I agree with SevenMMmag....the only thing that matters to people at the state house who represent us is the number of people who actually take the time to call. One or two people....they dismiss it......get over 15 people to get off their butt to complain about an issue...they open their eyes.....if we bomb them with calls....their aides will, I assure you, let their bosses know that someone is really pis+++ off and that we want something looked at. The wheels of government don't turn unless you force them call. This lone politician has taken a step to further her own political future at our expense. She doesn't give a damn about the firearms really she just wants her fifteen minutes of fame in front of a television.
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