Please sign electronic petition to the governor. let's light it up.

Guys, Gov Baker has no authority over the AG regarding this, we need to persuade the legislature to stop this, not the governor.
i sent it to most people i can think of. 7900 now....this number is skyrocketing. I'm sure ill think of more by tomorrow. I've called and emailed Baker as well. and reached out to local figures.

is it worth reaching out to local figures? I'm sure it is...i did it anyway. Im just curious if they will even do anything because this is at such a high state level.
Signed for what its worth. No possible change until 2018 and only if MA becomes less liberal. MA still has the first Clinton ban and November may reenact and expand this.
Went from a little over 1000 to well over almost 10k

Nice work folks. Share as much as possible. Even if Baker cant do shit he certainly can put pressure on where it needs to go.
Listen, the time for talk is over!!!! You must hold the traitorous politicians and the traitorous police who stood behind her today at her press conference, as well as the traitorous police that support it accountable. You must have an armed march at the state house. You must disobey. Stop paying your property taxes. You must stop them, as they will never stop what they are doing. They are all statist progressives urinating all over the bill of rights. Massachusetts has turned into a laughingstock in the Union. They have been pushing you around for years and you did nothing. This is what happens when you continue to do nothing. Signing an online petition will do nothing.
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