Please say it ain’t so MadDog?!!!!

Jul 10, 2016
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Just saw on Fox that Gen Mattis is joining the Swamp by taking a lobbying job with the Cohen Group. Sad day when a prolific Marine like him sells out and starts lobbying for American Defense jobs to go overseas. It could be worse,he could of pulled a Moulton and gone full traitor.
General Mattis’ character and integrity are beyond reproach, his dedication to this country is as pure as it is unique in our modern era. You stand here in judgement of someone who has given his entire adult life to our nation without knowing his motivations, contractual obligations, or intentions with this position.

Anyone that has had the privilege of meeting him, being under his command, or studied his leadership principles knows this. Actual American warfighters would and have drove through hell’s flames in a gasoline tanker with him. Get real, for the things Cohen Group and/or General Dynamics have done overseas they also take American interests both at home and globally to heart. Part of that is the nature of the global defense contracting industry, part of that means it’s about more than just what piece gets manufactured where. Yes, in an ideal world we would keep everything American made on American soil, but him serving as a senior advisor or board member doesn’t mean he’s endorsing, supporting, or assisting in the downfall of our country and selling out to the swamp to make money. Democrat? You must be a close friend of his to know his personal politics since he has never disclosed them publicly. And if he were a “democrat”, he must be one hell of a hard core conservative knife-handing tree hugger.

There are a lot of ways he could get rich quick, ways many many generals have after retiring when they have sweetheart no-show jobs on the board of every think tank and defense company, and they aren’t always wrong to do it either. Sure by their career endpoint they make six figures plus pension, that’s marginal compensation for 40 years in. Odell Beckham wore a 350K watch, which costs less than what he makes on a single Sunday, to play in the Brown’s game yesterday, that’s two years salary at O-10 (four star genny). Societal values right there. That being said, Mattis sits at home in his free time reading volumes of strategic memoirs, not partying and enjoying the yacht life. He never married or dated after realizing he had to give his full dedication to the service. Yeah. Real sell out. Definitely exploiting tax payers.
I have served under his command!!! If me questioning his motives on becoming a swamp running lobbyist has irked u, then so what. I could care less which side of the left or right paradigm he is on. I also could care less if he could never get laid and read books all day. But I’m sure you’ve seen his testimony over the years grilling Congress for f***in shit up so bad. Maybe he will make a difference there, we will see...
No irking at all brother, maybe I've downed too many Monster energy drinks today before that rant, just wanted to say extend a little trust to the man, he's earned it and if history tells us anything its that he wont compromise his values, if anything he will hopefully make a difference like you mentioned. S/F.
I’ve only had 1 monster today or my rant would of probably been worse, lol!!!!
I don’t see this as selling out. He sacrificed having a family long ago so he could continue to devote his life to the Marine Corps. Then he continued on, trying to make a difference in the current administration.

I think he’s earned the right to earn a little money with his experience after so many decades of service. And it’s actual service, not like Congressmen claiming that they’re “serving” the population while making millions in side deals while actively holding office.

As for Cohen Group, there will always be a plethora of defense jobs in the U.S. Sometimes though, the best option is found elsewhere. But don’t they also lobby for military sales to other countries? That provides a boost to our manufacturing and R&D endeavors.
One of his first activities, after being appointed, was to try and bring many former Clinton and Obama people into the Defense Dept. This did not sit well with Trump.

His military service and his politics should always be evaluated separately.
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