Pistol permit woth drug arrest but no conviction?

Mar 15, 2008
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Does anyone know if they will deny me for my permit if I was arrested with drugs a couple years back but it was dropped in court? Also if I went to a drug treatment facility, on my own not court mandated?
Does anyone know if they will deny me for my permit if I was arrested with drugs a couple years back but it was dropped in court? Also if I went to a drug treatment facility, on my own not court mandated?

So I take it you got the child support thing straightened out? Now just to get past the drug arrest and rehab issue, and everything should be smooth sailing.

Wish I had some sage advice here, but I don't. Be patient, though. Someone more learned than myself will surely weigh in.
With all these issues I suspect you have an uphill battle on your hands.

And then there's the, uh, anti-depressant thing. Kid, find yourself another hobby for ten or twenty years, or until such time as you can establish a track record that wouldn't make your mother blush. [thinking]
Depends on what drug. Depends where you live. In MA you get one break (usually but not always) when it comes to pot, but I think you still need to wait 7 years to apply. Most often 1st offense is CWOF (continued without finding), you pay a fine, on probation for several months. Any other charges usually stick and are statutory disqulifiers. Than means you will NEVER legally own any firearms.

In NH you can get the charges annulled and will therefore not have any statutory disqualifiers.

I don't know crap about CT, and I am not a lawyer, so if you think it's mild enough of a charge consult a firearms attorney and see if you have a chance.

If it's for something harder than pot like coke or heroin I think you're pretty much screwed for life when it comes to legal firearm ownership.
my mother always said i was gonna kick myself in the a** later on in life for all the stuff i did when i was younger. she was right. so you think even though this was all dropped in court i'll still have an issue?
I suppose a man could always say, "I've had 32 arrests and NO convictions", but I, personally, would not accept that as testimony in support of good character for a babysitter job.
I think between the child support issues, drug charges, and rehab you should get your shit together and keep it together for some time before considering carrying a firearm. Instead of spending money on lawyers, LTC applications, firearms etc you use it to catch up on your child support.
i understand that gringo, i wouldn't hire me for a baby sitter job either if i knew my past, but i've been clean and a productive member of society for a couple years now, and i was asking what the law was, not if you would issue me a permit. i thought disqualifiers were felony convictions and there were eleven misdemeanors none of which i have . if that sounded disrespectful, i apologize, that wasn't my intention.
Arrested on drug charges but no conviction?

Owe back child support?

On anti-depressant medication?

Have I left anything out?

all this stuff stems from the same issue which was a few years back, and no it isn't a joke. if you have a**hole comments i don't need them, i'm asking if anyone knows any of this. thanks
ok, let me clear all this up for everyone.

-Yes I was arrested for drugs a couple years back, but it was totally dropped in court.

-I was on an anti depressant for a short period of time but not anymore.

-yes I do owe back child support but I am paying every week towards my current and back child support. I also was told several people that the child support thing is not an issue as far as getting my permit, and they told me this at the dept. of public safety.

So the issue is the drug arrest, but the law says convictions are a disqualifier if i'm not mistaken. I made mistakes in my past I know this. Like I said, everythings has been on the up and up for some time now.
my mother always said i was gonna kick myself in the a** later on in life for all the stuff i did when i was younger. she was right. so you think even though this was all dropped in court i'll still have an issue?
[hmmm] I suspect it's a karmic thing. After spending considerable time, money and effort screwing ones life up it is no surprise that it also takes considerable time, money and effort to straighten it out.

Go talk to a lawyer who specializes in firearms licensing and is familiar with the licensing practices in your town. Tell them everything. Follow their advice. Be prepared to pay for said expert advice. Be prepared to be told "No" as in "not in your town", "not in MA", "not for x years", "not without additional legal actions", etc. This will take time and effort on your part, maybe considerable time and effort.

Good luck.
Yes....you forgot the drug rehab.

... and an interest in the AK-47 WASR-10, an unlikely jumping-off point for a novice.

Seriously, NAmenta, I'm sorry that our less-than-gentle ribbing has irritated you. But truly, this is a very improbable conversation we're in. [wink]

I think you should continue to walk a straight and narrow road, demonstrate personal and financial stability, and apply for an FID at some future time.

Do you have any friends in the shooting sports who can help you to mature your interest in guns and shooting?
all my friend's have guns, and yes they are all legal. i want something to keep in the house for protection. whats the difference if its an ak type rifle or a 12 gauge? I know how to shoot and how to use a gun. i have had gun training. i am not a novice when it come to using a gun. and yes you are probably right about me keeping on the straight and narrow for a couple more years to show some more stability in my life. i just know they're trying to make it harder and harder to get a permit. plus i'm one of those people with no patients who wants instant gratification. one of my many flaws.
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all my friend's have guns, and yes they are all legal. i want something to keep in the house for protection. whats the difference if its an ak type rifle or a 12 gauge? I know how to shoot and how to use a gun. i have had gun training. i am not a novice when it come to using a gun. and yes you are probably right about me keeping on the straight and narrow for a couple more years to show some more stability in my life. i just know they're trying to make it harder and harder to get a permit.

I would not choose an AK as a primary home defense firearm, for several reasons. Unless I was intending defense against New World Order goons or a similar phalanx of odious armed assailants.

You'll find plenty of practical advice on personal and home defense at NES.
-I was on an anti depressant for a short period of time but not anymore.

Here is what you posted:

Does anyone know if they will reject my pistol permit app if I'm on an anti deprerssant medication?

Just a little difference there.

Grant me the priviledge of talking to you like a kindly version of a Dutch Uncle for a minute. Gun owners on the whole are a friendly group who would rather be inclusive of others rather than exlusive (with a very few obvious exceptions). However, because of many attacks by anti-gun people and groups, we sometimes tend to be a little wary of new people until we know them. This is more critical on the internet rather than in person since all we can judge you on is your words and the ideas which present in a very impersonal arena.

Now, as far as I know, no one on this board knows you from Adam. Well, that's okay, we all were new at one time or another. It takes a little while to get to know people but that is to be expected. We have been visited by trolls many times, some blunt, some very sophisticated. These experiences understandably cause us to want to know more about the people whom we interact with.

In the space of some 12 posts you have managed to ask about three potential problems which, if not outright disqualifiers, tend to raise little warning flags about a person. Just one would be something to say, "Well, that's not a big problem.". But you keep adding to the pile. Without something else to judge you by, you ask us to believe that you are (how did you put it?) on the up-and up now. But, as your posts indicate, your story has some small inconsistencies.

Well, maybe you are on the up-and-up today. Maybe you are a person who has had some problems in the past and have overcome them. And if you are then most of us would look at you as a person who should be recognized as turning their life around and should be allowed to join the ranks of firearms owners.

I hope that you have the answers you are looking for and that you will look for advice as some of the other posters have suggested.
yeah, well thank you for putting it that way. i have the tendency to get defensive. unfortunately because of my past that happens a lot. when people don't know me from adam now, but they have heard of my past, thats all they have to go by and i'm automatically marked as a bad person or a menace to society. i guess it can take just as long as it took messing up my reputation to rebuild it. i only have myself to blame for that. what it comes down to is i've always loved and had an interest in guns, but the possibility of legally owning one back when i was screwing my life up was unrealistic. now that i have made some major changes in my life and have become a law biding productive member or society that goal of becoming a legal gun owner didn't seem so unreachable anymore.
yeah, well thank you for putting it that way. i have the tendency to get defensive. unfortunately because of my past that happens a lot.

Uh oh! Now we have an "anger [angry] management" issue too? [shocked]

Seriously, you're not alone in this situation. Down the road, a lot will still likely depend on the policies and attitude of the local licensing authority. You have provided a LEO with many reasons to deny. You need to start providing reasons for him to overlook past transgressions.
I'll be back guys, I have to go get my girlfriend and go to my family's house. happy easter. any more feedback or suggestions i would appreciate it. thanks.
namental, I just realized that you're probably in CT instead of MA so some of what I said may not be quite as applicable. I still think you need to find a knowledgeable lawyer to address your questions.
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