Perry results trickling in...


NES Member
May 6, 2005
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Just packing up my stuff getting ready to head out and I see the CMP website has results for the introductory M16 EIC match.
Steve Conant made the cut.
Way to go Steve!

Olivia, one of Duane's juniors, won the event but was ineligible for points because she got some last weekend in Reading.
Just packing up my stuff getting ready to head out and I see the CMP website has results for the introductory M16 EIC match.
Steve Conant made the cut.
Way to go Steve!

Olivia, one of Duane's juniors, won the event but was ineligible for points because she got some last weekend in Reading.

Olivia has been shooting well. She's an awesome small bore shooter and that's definitely giving her a jump start in high power.
Not sure if the Junior team match results are preliminary, but she and Verne took second overall. Verne was High Junior individual.
Not sure if the Junior team match results are preliminary, but she and Verne took second overall. Verne was High Junior individual.

Nash is another local junior (CT I think) who shoots a lot of matches in the area. He took 2nd. Our region is well represented.
I didn't think he was a Junior. Looks older than he is I guess.

I think this is his last year as a junior.

Olivia was one point away from the M16 match record. Damn.
I hope everyone made the trip safely!

Feels weird not being there after making the trip 11 of of the last 12 years.

Good luck to all the Northeast shooters that went in the real matches that start today!
I shot OK in the team match, blew the President's badly, and managed to miss the cut for my last leg points by one point and a couple X's. (Terrible conditions, but I lost it on my feet before the wind started blowing so I can't blame it on the rain.) 2014 was the year of leather for me, better luck next year.

We did have some good shooting by others on the team though. Olivia made the President's, Jeff made the President's for the second time, Justin and Henry cut points. Nash from CT made the President's for the first time and made the shoot-off.
Some great shooting by Jeff H. in the P100!
Also Phil C. from NH, making it with a M14.

My trip kinda was uneventful, score-wise. Couldn't hit for crap on my feet. Missed the P100 by a couple of points, and shot a nifty 85 at 300 during the NTI due to a brain malfunction.

Crazy wind during the 2nd Amendment Match on thursday. Witnessed John Hollinger shoot numerous 5's, 6's, and 7's (I mention it just to illustrate how difficult shooting offhand is in a hard wind).

Didn't take many pics, but here are a few. I was given a little chicken for a good luck charm just before leaving so I took a few snaps of him:

Here he is inspecting M1D's at the CMP store,
Image 3.jpg

Here he is inspecting my flash-suppressor for looseness after I shot an 88-1 in the P100,
Image 2.jpg

Olivia F. thought he was cute, so I passed him on to her,
Image 1.jpg

But not before Mikey thought he needed Little Chicken in his nose,
Mike and I were squared together a few points apart during CMP week.

It made the long days go faster.
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