Open letter to David ‘I’m a cockslave’ Hogg

The kid is a product of 8 years of the activism. He is not alone. FSA was formed during those years and the stream of young activists will enforce it soon. If you study their twitter accounts and their posts they are going after much bigger targets than some dudes with guns. They want distribution of wealth, they want to rewrite all laws, and they want to confiscate whatever is needed for them to live at $700K, which is their "magic number". Every family will receive that money if we all go after people with money! Old commie idea. They are Bernie's children, except Bernie can't keep up with them anymore. Their ideas are bold, crazy and very doable. This activism was made possible by parents who wanted their kids to have "everything they deserve". Parents purchased phones for them, video games, computers, high speed internet,......So they can become obsolete faster than ever before in the history of this country.

Intelligent or stupid does not matter. What matters is the ability of the person to rise large masses under a certain attractive promise. Intelligence is in the way. Intelligent people are destroyed immediately. Idiotic masses will simply run over them without any remorse. It happened in France, Germany, Russia, Eastern Europe and it is about to happen here.

One big difference from the other countries you mentioned. We have guns, lots of guns. I will have no trouble making good use of all the ammo I've reloaded.
Do these "kids" still keep their parents, or they adopted themselves to Soros?
Another idiotic post which shows the quality of our education:

Matt Deitsch‏@MattxRed
The 2nd amendment didn’t protect the 110,000+ American citizens who were detained in camps during WW2. The 2nd amendment doesn’t protect the countless American citizens gunned down unjustly by the police. We aren’t doing enough to protect American citizens. We demand change.
Who would be interested in contributing to a fund to send David Hogg on an overseas mission to further his agenda? I'm thinking North Korea to start...

Do these "kids" still keep their parents, or they adopted themselves to Soros?
Another idiotic post which shows the quality of our education:

Matt Deitsch‏@MattxRed
The 2nd amendment didn’t protect the 110,000+ American citizens who were detained in camps during WW2. The 2nd amendment doesn’t protect the countless American citizens gunned down unjustly by the police. We aren’t doing enough to protect American citizens. We demand change.

Did this dipshit even spend more than a second thinking about that tweet? "Here's an example of our government acting tyrannical, so let's give the government all the guns." What the actual f***?
So, Hogg & Co have set up a "meme lab" to keep #NeverAgain viral.
Inside the Secret Meme Lab Designed to Propel #NeverAgain Beyond the March

"In an undisclosed strip-mall location, the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High shooting—and a few key alumni allies—are building a social-media content studio that just might reform America’s crazy gun laws."

Problem is, their undisclosed location was discovered by 4/8chan and their already busy trying to mess with these little tools. 4chan mods are trying to shut everything down but 8chan has already taped anonymous messages to the front door of the "meme labs" office.

It's only the beginning. Expect the media to start making claims of "terrorist threats" by online trolls and the NRA.
Here is my prediction for this kid...
Once his usefulness is over and doors start to close on him , he will become desperate to stay relevant and in the limelight.
His ego is so blown up now, attention is like crack .
He's going to end up being a take out order of Sumyoungboy by your Barney Frank types just to get a mention in the paper or TV news.
He certainly won't be the first.
so when is there going to be some good hard investigative reporting done on this kid and his cousins and father, IE is the father pushing the agenda , who is the puppet master, where is the money coming from, why is this kid lying so much about being in school on the day , why is it that he was there in Cali clamming to be a survivor of that shooting , how old is he really ... his ass needs to be Stossled ( John)
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