Ok, which one of you was it?

Titles like this are embarrassing. While it is pointing out that someone will pay dearly for, both physically and financially,
The odds of hitting megabucks are about the same as a member of the board being that guy. Leave the board out of it unless you know who it is and out the guy. And grow up.
Sensitive much? It’s a pretty common joke around here.
could he have had a Class B still?
However, I believe if his LTC was class B that it was changed via the recent changes to a class A? even if a new license wasn't issued.
Nope, they stay as is until they expire naturally, at which point only LTC-A can be issued.
I've heard Chelmsford is good about not putting on restrictions, I'm surprised he might have had some, unless maybe he only had a FID or had just moved?

I'm going to bet on "moved in, didn't get permit". You would be surprised how many people do that, then they pretty much shit a brick the first time they go to a gun shop to buy ammo and some guy asks them for a permit and they're like "what permit?" with mouth agape when they find out its required...

Large capacity is anything greater than what the manufacturer provides. Liberals redefined standard capacity.

Remind them of this, especially when they insist that the root of their ideology is Marxism.
I know a guy from Lawrence who took a shotgun blast in the knee.
If you got smug with him, it wouldn't end well. Just sayin.
Lotta armchair Operators here.
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