Obama To Unveil Gun Control Reforms In Near Future

Executive Orders have to be based on Public Law.

Have you ever read one? If so you might notice that they all start like this:

This is what an EO is and where their authority comes from:

Here's more on the ways that Executive Orders are challenged and overruled by the legislative and judicial branches:

Source: http://thisnation.com/question/040.html

All of that may be true - but seriously, given the people that are in power now - does it really matter?

Obama could pass some crazy ass anti-gun EO and what would happen? Either Congress or the Supreme Court would have to slap him down somehow.

When I see stuff like this pop up I think to myself: I wonder what other screw job they are going to use this little threat as a bargaining chip to get passed?

What happens here is Obama threatens to EO a complete ban on assault weapons or high cap mags or some such thing, then when the Republicans in Congress feign outrage - he says: sure, Ok - we can let this one go as long as pass a hugely higher debt ceiling.

Screwed one way or another - personally if I was forced into choice I would have them pass the debt ceiling so I would still have my guns around when the whole train finally goes completely off the rails.
FBHO. TDSMFPOS can LMB, SMD and KMA. I sincerely hope someone PABIHS before or after TSHTF.
All of that may be true - but seriously, given the people that are in power now - does it really matter?

Obama could pass some crazy ass anti-gun EO and what would happen? Either Congress or the Supreme Court would have to slap him down somehow.

When I see stuff like this pop up I think to myself: I wonder what other screw job they are going to use this little threat as a bargaining chip to get passed?

What happens here is Obama threatens to EO a complete ban on assault weapons or high cap mags or some such thing, then when the Republicans in Congress feign outrage - he says: sure, Ok - we can let this one go as long as pass a hugely higher debt ceiling.

Screwed one way or another - personally if I was forced into choice I would have them pass the debt ceiling so I would still have my guns around when the whole train finally goes completely off the rails.
I didn't say everyone played by the rules.

I just explained the rules.
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