"Obama staying out of negotiations on gun bills"

Still, Obama pushed Congress in his State of the Union address to take all the measures up. "Each of these proposals deserves a vote in Congress. If you want to vote no, that's your choice. But these proposals deserve a vote," Obama said.
The remark could be seen as an acknowledgement that the measures may not pass - he was asking lawmakers to vote, not to pass everything. But White House officials have said Obama wants to increase pressure to stop opponents of gun control from keeping the legislation tied up without a vote, a common Senate practice that can bring effective death to legislation.
Forcing a vote on an assault weapons ban that isn't likely to pass also could give political cover to some moderate Democrats to vote for background checks and trafficking bills. Then those senators can tell gun owners back home that even though they supported background checks or anti-trafficking bills, they didn't support anything that would take away a single gun from law-abiding citizens.
He feels it will fail, and he has plenty of low IQ patsies who will keep doing stupid things for him to take the blame. He doesn't care about guns, he is only using it to divide and conquer his "enemies".
He knew this was going to fail from day one. Just look at the NRA ratings of congress and you can see the AWB had no chance.

Passing it off the Biden was a clear sign he knew it was a losing issue. If you ran a small business you wouldn't trust Joey to take out the trash.
News from The Associated Press

Yeah, he'd like someone else to take the rap if the big push fails.

But for Obama to launch such a divisive push, and then back off and trust others to make it happen just doesn't seem credible.

That is how a "Community Agitator" works, he gets others to do his bidding.

Yes, you can bet that he's pulling the strings in the back room, out of sight from the public and media. If it works, he wins. If it loses, he gets to blame someone else.
The dangerous thing about the future is the sheep that ignore the past

But kids don't learn about history in school anymore, and what little they are taught is the sanitized socialist revisionist version, written into the curriculum by the leftists who run the education department.
There's a difference between simply ignoring something and being totally ignorant of it.
There's a difference between simply ignoring something and being totally ignorant of it.

No, there is not a difference. The end result is the same. As the progression from child to adolescent to adult continues and an individual never seeks to grow and learn more than what they were force fed in school they they are no less guilty than those that misrepresent the past in the 1st place.

My current views of the present and my interest in the history of our freedoms in this country have NOTHING to do with what I learned in school. I hated school every minute I was there
No, there is not a difference. The end result is the same. As the progression from child to adolescent to adult continues and an individual never seeks to grow and learn more than what they were force fed in school they they are no less guilty than those that misrepresent the past in the 1st place.

My current views of the present and my interest in the history of our freedoms in this country have NOTHING to do with what I learned in school. I hated school every minute I was there

Yes there is. One is willful and you can always educate the ignorant.
He is the worst leader. He just let's someone else deal with the problem then blames them for it going wrong. I don't see him lasting another 4 years, I sense an impeachment.
I'd like to say he's staying out of it because he knows it's a loser. But the real reason he's staying out of it is because he's a lazy SOB. If it ain't golf, he doesn't want to hear about it. Sure, he'll give a teleprompted speech, but actually leading from the front? Forget it.
We still have to be careful at the state level..... Look what happened to New York... We have to be eternally vigilant....[thinking]
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