Obama, CNN team up for show promoting gun restrictions

And that comment he mentioned about Moochelle thinking that rifles and shotguns in rural areas away from police was utter bullshit.

They want our guns plain and simple and are willing to take a lot of baby steps to get there.

Personally, I try to not get caught up in the trap of viewing all anti's as a monolithic block sharing the same motivations.

There certainly loony left anti's who wet themselves over the mere thought of a gun and can't rationalize a single benefit to their existence. These folks would love to see gun ownership restricted to only the "benevolent" agents of the government they so worship.

On the other hand, you have the statists like Obama who are mainly motivated by the dogma that government exists solely to perpetuate the existence of the government and the status of those who run the government. That existence requires maintaining the requisite level of power and control over its subjects. Obama has no real interest in a total gun ban. A total gun ban is not needed.

People like our PoS POTUS only care about citizens shooting each other in the streets in so much as it feeds the propaganda machine to drive their real agenda. It's not about banning all guns. It is about neutering what we are "allowed" to own and when and where we are "allowed" to use them to the point that The 2A can no longer fulfill its primary purpose of providing citizens with an adequate means of self defense against the government and others that wish to do us harm. Doing so makes us subservient to the government and dependent upon its warm embrace for our protection and helps ensure the survival of the government.
I loved when the lady said she was a rape and abuse victim who suffered unspeakable trauma and wanted to know why Obama wanted to make it more difficult for her to have a gun to protect herself from people like him or when he gets out of jail. Zero's answer was his rules will make it harder for this guy when he gets out of jail to get a gun. Yeah because felon ex cons can buy guns now, and criminals like violent ex con rapists who want a gun would buy it from an FFL as opposed to out of the back of a van in an alley somewhere.
This was mentioned several times last night. In fact, I think Anderson Cooper asked him about it directly. But again, he just deflected it and obviously never really acknowledged it as a legitimate point.

This also came up with the Dan Rea radio show with Brent from Comm2a and Rosenthal. It was pissing me off because Rosenthal just kept saying how an AWB was needed even while people kept pointing out how the numbers don't support his assertion that "assault weapons" are a major issue in US crime. He just kept up his litany of reading off the cities with recent mass shootings that featured AWs.

Another consistent theme in both the Obama thing last night and in Rosenthal's statements on the radio show is the idea that the tough laws in certain cities/states would work if it wasn't for the surrounding cities/states that have looser laws and that basically straw purchases are the reason why it looks like the laws aren't working. It seems to me that they have to be overestimating the number of straw purchases that go on but even if they aren't then why not focus on catching those guys. There was a Chicago priest at the town hall who was a friend of Obama's and during his talk Obama mentioned how there are guys that come in from out of Chicago with truck loads of guns from out of state and sell them easily and the priest nodded in agreement. If you know that is going on, I don't know, setup a sting and arrest those guys!!! You don't hear about many major efforts to stop straw purchases as part of a concerted law enforcement effort. That was a point that a former NY police chief made as part of that panel on CNN after the town hall. Enforcement is way too low a priority currently and should be greatly stepped up before going to the extremes of limiting rights. He also touched on the issue of the courts/prosecutors not really fully charging people that commit crimes in possession of illegal guns.

The Reverend is mike flager, he is a LONG time and well known loon. The catholic church suspended him once or twice for his commie antics. Look on youtube you'll see some of his greatest hits. He's a racists (hates whites even though he's white), is a social justice warrior, community agitator, is friends with all the hard hard left groups and people in chicago, etc. He make pelosi look conservative, he's a real wacko.

I caught where obama lied and said states and cities with tough gun laws tend to have lower gun violence. A complete lie as most of what he said was.

I know many of the guns used in chicago come from mississippi, etc where they are bought by relatives or friends of gang members and brought to chicago. That is already illegal but it doesn't sound scary like the van full of guns from indiana lie.
That always pisses me off, you never hear anyone on the pro 2A side who is in a position to be heard on a national level bring this up (at least I haven't)! We have compromised more than enough already!

One of the easiest ways to refute the anti-gun side's argument that "no one is after your guns" is to point out the regularity with which the bogus statistic is cited that "A gun in the home is x% more likely to injure someone living there than to be used against an intruder." We all know the statistic is full of fail and lies but the important thing is that this statement alone (or variations of it) CONCLUSIVELY prove that the endgame is confiscation. Period. I realize this point has probably been brought up countless times on this site and maybe has been brought up already in this thread (haven't made my way all the way through it yet) but I can't resist bringing it up again.
Having Colin Noir on could have been interesting though.

^This. If there ever were a discussion with the NRA, it should absolutely be with Colion Noir. This way there would be no chance to play the race card, no chance to say "we have been marginalized as a people...", etc. Just a straight schooling by Colion.
I loved when the lady said she was a rape and abuse victim who suffered unspeakable trauma and wanted to know why Obama wanted to make it more difficult for her to have a gun to protect herself from people like him or when he gets out of jail. Zero's answer was his rules will make it harder for this guy when he gets out of jail to get a gun. Yeah because felon ex cons can buy guns now, and criminals like violent ex con rapists who want a gun would buy it from an FFL as opposed to out of the back of a van in an alley somewhere.

Didn't he also say that if someone has a gun, they are more likely to have the gun taken from them and used against them? I doubt he would say that to a guy questioner.

^This. If there ever were a discussion with the NRA, it should absolutely be with Colion Noir. This way there would be no chance to play the race card, no chance to say "we have been marginalized as a people...", etc. Just a straight schooling by Colion.

Colion was tweeting up a storm watching it. He said he will put out a video response in the next day or two.

A town hall with NRA's chris cox or Alan Gura or someone from SAF, NSSF and obama on stage as equals would be great. But he'll never allow an equal voice, especially on guns where he has no idea what the facts are.
One of the easiest ways to refute the anti-gun side's argument that "no one is after your guns" is to point out the regularity with which the bogus statistic is cited that "A gun in the home is x% more likely to injure someone living there than to be used against an intruder." We all know the statistic is full of fail and lies but the important thing is that this statement alone (or variations of it) CONCLUSIVELY prove that the endgame is confiscation. Period. I realize this point has probably been brought up countless times on this site and maybe has been brought up already in this thread (haven't made my way all the way through it yet) but I can't resist bringing it up again.
No it doesn't. You could say the expected conclusion based on that non-fact is that everybody would be better served by not having a gun in their home, and thus they should be removed from all homes - but that is an inference, or assumption, not "conclusive proof".

^This. If there ever were a discussion with the NRA, it should absolutely be with Colion Noir. This way there would be no chance to play the race card, no chance to say "we have been marginalized as a people...", etc. Just a straight schooling by Colion.

Actually, there is a way they can play the race card. They did it when he officially joined the NRA. People accused him of being an "uncle tom", somebody who just got duped by the evil white man, and a complete fabrication by the NRA (despite having a popular youtube channel for years before).
something I posted on a news site debating his "performance"

by the way, I have a newfound respect for Taya Kyle

at the end of the day, Obama has done nothing to prevent gun violence and no, you can't blame me, the NRA or anyone who owns a gun OR congress.

you can however blame Obama and the democratic leadership as well as the top echelons of the GOP - yes, Im tossing them under the bus.

What your president did last night is to frame himself as caring about violence and people like me as those who just don't. And that's as ignorant as it gets.

OF COURSE I want to see violence prevented and of COURSE I want to see things change for the better as far as crime and punishment are concerned BUT he is going after the wrong people. The leadership of both sides are going after the wrong people.
IF you want to see a reduction in violence, you need to address violence at the root, underlying causes and guess what? It ain't the hardware, sister. We have seen countless ideological wars in this country turn out not only to be utter failures, but cost lives and erode the very fabric of the American dream.

The war on poverty. The war on drugs - 2 ideological wars that have done nothing more than create criminals, a culture of mediocrity and poverty. What has Obama done? Bush? Clinton? Bush1? Reagan? he made those situations and those involved in them worse by continuing on a road where we treat drugs as a menace, when they should instead be legalized and controlled.

I'd much prefer treating addicts with my money than building endless rows of prison cells that benefit only the prison industrial complex (it exists). I'd rather invest more in schools than I would arming every cop with a rifle and a BearCat to terrorize people for possessing plant life. I'd rather see programs that encourage and demand people to go back to work on roads, bridges and infrastructure as opposed to forcing them into HUD controlled communities where they are encouraged to generationally hand off the culture of criminality and poverty to the next generation.

But what does he do? more of the same. Pits one group against another as a means of distracting them from the fact that most gun violence is a result of these wars, the horrendous state of education, the horrendous lack of meaningful careers and the deplorable state of urban culture in this country.

MOST gun crimes are not and have nothing to do with mental health or the mass shootings that are great for CNNs ratings and certain political careers. MOST gun crime is related to the war on drugs and poverty. When you live in a hopeless situation, who the hell can blame you for turning to a life of crime?
and the answer is to what? bother me because I carry a concealed firearm to protect myself and family from the results of decades of waste, fraud, abuse and mediocrity? Sorry, non starter for me and for the many who've taken up arms for the same reason.

I spent a LOT of time in the inner cities working in health and hospitals as a medic. I've seen firsthand what a bullet does to human flesh and the after effects it has on a family and community.

I am outraged at not only Obama, but our leadership for ignoring this for their own material and political gain. its deplorable, its unpatriotic and goes against what we are as a country.

Moreover, I'm disappointed in my fellow countrymen on BOTH SIDES of the issue for not seeing this, for not seeing that it takes a lot more than a few tears and a few pointless laws to help alleviate the suffering - it takes commitment, it takes hard work and yes, it takes BALLS to address certain cultures and get them on the right track.
All he did last night and with his EOs is repeat more of the same.
I loved when the lady said she was a rape and abuse victim who suffered unspeakable trauma and wanted to know why Obama wanted to make it more difficult for her to have a gun to protect herself from people like him or when he gets out of jail. Zero's answer was his rules will make it harder for this guy when he gets out of jail to get a gun. Yeah because felon ex cons can buy guns now, and criminals like violent ex con rapists who want a gun would buy it from an FFL as opposed to out of the back of a van in an alley somewhere.

Her response (which of course she wasn't allowed to make) should have been a la Kurt Russell, i.e., I don't concern myself with what the attacker is going to do, but instead concern myself with what I am going to do. Sure, the attacker might use a gun. And whether he does or doesn't, I need to be concerned with my own defense. The anti-2A delusion is that if the attacker has more difficult access to firearms (which, to be clear, is a farce to begin with), then the would-be victim is somehow safer. This fails to account for the fact that a would be rape victim does not care whether the attacker is using a gun, a knife or just bare hands (as is the most common scenario). The would-be victim needs to be able to choose which means of self-defense is most suitable for her or him and GC simply limits access to guns for victims. What the attacker has access to is not relevant.
We have done more than compromise. We have sacrificed our rights! Compromise implies that we get something. We have nothing to show for any of the gun control laws passed!

Make sure to mention this to the next anti you encounter. Ask them what THEY are willing to sacrifice when the utter the work COMPROMISE.

Wrong definition, this is a common misconception. By compromise they actually mean

bring into disrepute or danger by indiscreet, foolish, or reckless behavior.
"situations in which his troops could be compromised"

cause to become vulnerable or function less effectively.
"yo-yo dieting can compromise your immune system"
No it doesn't. You could say the expected conclusion based on that non-fact is that everybody would be better served by not having a gun in their home, and thus they should be removed from all homes - but that is an inference, or assumption, not "conclusive proof".

Ok. "inference", "assumption", call it what you want but the point is that anyone who uses that statistic is implying that guns should not be in homes, and thus removed from homes where they already exist. I suppose their side can argue that people should voluntarily remove them from their homes rather than have them forcibly removed by the .gov, but if that's the case, then why do pretty much all of these people who put forward this argument also argue for more gun laws? if it's voluntary, there's no need for new laws, right???
I am confused. Are his "executive actions" actually going to become law?
If so when...
Doesn't he have to go through congress to get funding for his proposals?
Obama hates guns and the people who like them.

If you listen closely to his words, there are hidden messages.

He would be happy to ban them 100%, like in Australia.
The entire thing is grandstanding that will amount to nothing, including the executive orders/actions/whatever... The longer I think about this the more it looks like another marionette job, he's paying lip service to the antis because some of them were part of the cabal that called in favors to get him elected. (eg, Soros et al). His entire presidency has all been about fulfilling the interests of the puppet masters that got him elected. He's probably also doing this crap so he has something to yap about on the moonbat lecture circuit so he can cash in on that shit when he leaves office.


- - - Updated - - -

Yeah but even some EOs could be like that too, but most of the time the attorneys tell them "no, you can't do that without causing a shitstorm" etc.

but it's easier for everyone to run around like chicken little shitting themselves about gun ban phantasms while ignoring the long term problems presented by antis in other realms.


I agree with you on this. The D's in power have openly admitted they don't see much passing on a national basis, so they were switching to a state by state agenda.

And stick us with Biden.

I suspect he's nothing more than an insurance policy for BHO. He's certainly worse, a outright idiot. If I lived in Delaware, I'd be embarrassed, thinking the rest of the country thinks we're all idiots like he is.

He wants to manufacture a media storm to turn the country's attention from Islamic terrorism, which was proving to be a political nightmare for the Dems. He and Hillary need a Libworthy crusade to bring to the forefront.

I suspect this as well. I fail to see how he can do much to turn the terrorism around now.

he insisted that "we're going to be at your door" -

I'd love to see him if he tried that some places. He's a typical JBT blowhard, they talk tough, but have exactly zero to back it up.

Im stumped as to what type of ship could be named after Obama. Maybe a garbage scow that unloads the garbage from aircraft carriers?

I'd still feel for any "squid" that had to serve on it.

Ask him if he has ever talked to anyone who cleared houses in Ramadi. See how much fun he thinks it's going to be when the public realizes the government has declared war on its citizens.

I have it on good authority that "Hadji" isn't so good of a shot. And, it still isn't easy.

or...maybe they are all starting to come to their senses?

I think they got a big dose of reality when their viewership numbers dropped WAY down.

Kind of like what happened to CBS because of Dan "Blather".

In other words, they came to their senses because of the MONEY.
"I know many of the guns used in chicago come from mississippi, etc where they are bought by relatives or friends of gang members and brought to chicago. That is already illegal but it doesn't sound scary like the van full of guns from indiana lie."

This is the reason they want big penalties for not reporting a lost or stolen gun.
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