Obama: AK-47s are for soldiers!

Right on queue:

My favorite part:
"I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals," Obama said. "That they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities."

Show me a gun owner that thinks this.

Total deceit. The guy is saying something any rational person would take as obvious, but he is insinuating that most gun owners think AK-47s should be illegal. I disagree. I think you'd have a hard time finding a lot of gun owners who think this.

While I recognize the potential danger of these particular firearms, the bottom line is that the guns that spend the most time at the range are the AR's, AK's, Glocks, and 45s. They are the most fun to shoot, offer the most utility, and are what people I bring to the range want to shoot the most. My 30-30 is a great gun, but I don't see people lining up to get a turn shooting it.

The good news is that this would not get through congress at the moment.
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Right on queue:

My favorite part:
"I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals," Obama said. "That they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities."

Show me a gun owner that thinks this.

Yeah. I also don't think they belong in the hands of criminals. What's wrong with that statement?
If AK are for soldiers, does that mean the guns he was buying legally and transporting and selling illegally we for soldiers in Mexico?
He has not 'come out' to promote gun control because he will sign the UN Treaty.

My understanding is that the treaty will have the force of law until and unless the Senate votes on it and rejects it. so if the senate does nothing, it will go into affect.

I thought the treaty had to ratified by the senate in order to be binding?
Yeah. I also don't think they belong in the hands of criminals. What's wrong with that statement?

Because there are only two, maybe three, options: Soldier, or Criminal, or Potential Criminal. Remember, every gun owner is a potential criminal.
I just watched the clip.

He is going to work with religious groups and civic organizations to arrive at a consensus for violence reduction? Fantastic, so he's going to go talk to all his pals at inner city churches and community organizing groups...

What do you think that chances are that he will work with the NRA or SAF? [thinking]
That would probably ruin his claim of what he thinks 'most gun owners believe' though.
Show me a gun owner that thinks this.

Way too many, do.

Many so called "gun owning conservatives" wish to ban certain kinds of guns or magazines.

Last night I was listening to Savage on the radio.

I was taken aback when he suggested nobody needed a drum mag or body armor. (for hunting, [rolleyes] )

I was even further taken aback when a caller called up and agreed with banning the drum magazines but not body armor. So he was only half as retarded as savage was, but still clearly had his head up his ass.

This is more emblematic of why RKBA is not a "clean" partisan issue, folks. Gun owners just happen to have a marriage of convenience with the GOP, but don't be fooled.

With "friends" like some of the ones we (supposedly) have, who needs enemies?

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I just watched the clip.

He is going to work with religious groups and civic organizations to arrive at a consensus for violence reduction? Fantastic, so he's going to go talk to all his pals at inner city churches and community organizing groups...

What do you think that chances are that he will work with the NRA or SAF? [thinking]
That would probably ruin his claim of what he thinks 'most gun owners believe' though.
Religious orgs and civic groups aren't the cause of violence... [laugh]

They are unwilling to address the real issues of the war on drugs, incarceration of America, etc...

So they will chant in rhythmic tones to glazed eyed audiences about all their good intentions and do absolutely nothing. Also known as politics.

We are our own worst enemy on this. We keep asking for "tough on crime" without checking to see what that actually means. It certainly doesn't mean that people who bring real and malicious harm to others are locked away or put down. It means we ramp up enforcement on cosmetic and headline grabbing issues with lots of arrests and seizures. It means we further and needlessly bloat the ranks of felon-Americans in the inner cities removing any possibility of them succeeding in life regardless of whether they are a threat to society.

All that would be bad, but it seems we not only do that, but then we left the really bad ones out at the Same time. It really boggles the mind, but the problem is ultimately the electorate who should be looking at this and instead of saying "MOAR" saying "WTF" and tossing the bums...
Anyone hear deval this morning in 96.9 with Jim? Oh boy.... Went a little something like "I spoke to president obama, the president supports and will push for a new awb, but the timing isn't appropriate yet due to colorado". Cats out the bag fellas. I think Cadillac wasn't suppose to say anything. Also went onto saying that no hunter needs these weapons....because the second amendment is of course for chasing down whitetails with the good ol boys.

Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
Anyone hear deval this morning in 96.9 with Jim? Oh boy.... Went a little something like "I spoke to president obama, the president supports and will push for a new awb, but the timing isn't appropriate yet due to colorado". Cats out the bag fellas. I think Cadillac wasn't suppose to say anything. Also went onto saying that no hunter needs these weapons....because the second amendment is of course for chasing down whitetails with the good ol boys.

Sent from my iPhone in the secret lair of the Supreme ruler of the ozone layer, the Dark Lord Kramdar.
But, but, but. It's a "dead issue"TM and what has Obama done to harm your 2A rights... Heck, he signed the parks law... [thinking]
Bring a black shotgun to a skeet shoot. You will find the gun owners that agree with Barry. The 2A isn't there for hunting or skeet shooting , and was never intended to be.
AKs for soldiers are full-auto. We have AK clones that are SA. Apples and oranges.

Oblabla's kicking off his anti-gun agenda just before elections and using the Aurora, CO incident to jump start it.

And, the perp used an AR!
Anyone hear deval this morning in 96.9 with Jim? Oh boy.... Went a little something like "I spoke to president obama, the president supports and will push for a new awb, but the timing isn't appropriate yet due to colorado". Cats out the bag fellas. I think Cadillac wasn't suppose to say anything.

Who said they spoke to Obama?

Also, wasn't this cat already out of the bag during the F&F hearings where Eric Holder said that this administration supports the awb and thinks it was useful for preventing crime/violence?
Anyone hear deval this morning in 96.9 with Jim? Oh boy.... Went a little something like "I spoke to president obama, the president supports and will push for a new awb, but the timing isn't appropriate yet due to colorado". Cats out the bag fellas. I think Cadillac wasn't suppose to say anything. Also went onto saying that no hunter needs these weapons....because the second amendment is of course for chasing down whitetails with the good ol boys.
I caught the tail end of this.... what was the part he was saying about limiting gun purchases to one a month?!
How about limiting people to buying one pack of cigarettes a month, one case of beer a month, one tank of gasoline a month (cars kill more people than guns do, after all).
I caught the tail end of this.... what was the part he was saying about limiting gun purchases to one a month?!
How about limiting people to buying one pack of cigarettes a month, one case of beer a month, one tank of gasoline a month (cars kill more people than guns do, after all).
Politicians to one word a month. Proven killers there...
Who said they spoke to Obama?

Also, wasn't this cat already out of the bag during the F&F hearings where Eric Holder said that this administration supports the awb and thinks it was useful for preventing crime/violence?

Deval said he spoke with the president.
Watch the AK's & AR fly off the shelves this week and going forward
He is a good salesman
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