NRA Supports watch lists to control gun rights

The headline is dishonest and the story is misleading. Read the NRA statement carefully. They agreed to meet with Trump. Period. They support the cops investigating terror suspects and taking their concerns to court to get a judge to deny them the right to fly. That's a big difference from the current no-fly list, where some anonymous bureaucrat puts you on the list without any recourse, whether you're a bad guy or not. The NRA also supports a process for the innocent to get their names off the list, a task that is extremely difficult at present.
Statement on November 20, 2015 :
NRA Director of Public Affairs Jennifer Baker said:
"The NRA does not want terrorists or dangerous people to have firearms, any suggestion otherwise is offensive and wrong. Under the current system, law enforcement is notified every time a person on the list attempts to purchase a firearm. Law Enforcement then makes a case by case decision on the appropriate follow-up for each circumstance,"
"The NRA's only objective is to ensure that Americans who are wrongly on the list are afforded their constitutional right to due process. It is appalling that anti-gun politicians are exploiting the Paris terrorist attacks to push their gun-control agenda and distract from President Obama’s failed foreign policy."
The headline is dishonest and the story is misleading. Read the NRA statement carefully. They agreed to meet with Trump. Period. They support the cops investigating terror suspects and taking their concerns to court to get a judge to deny them the right to fly. That's a big difference from the current no-fly list, where some anonymous bureaucrat puts you on the list without any recourse, whether you're a bad guy or not. The NRA also supports a process for the innocent to get their names off the list, a task that is extremely difficult at present.

So how long does that take? Due process takes time here in the United States. You find out your name is on a secret list tomorrow, you have a right to judicial appeal. Do you think that judicial proces will happen overnight?
With what I have seen from the backlog in the courts, a couple years to get to the 'trial' but it will be called something else.?
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