Not sure if I could

Some people like having flags that say "Don't Tread on Me"

Others live it.

I'm somewhere in the middle.
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Owned! Picture that fat little blowhard standing there in his boxers. Then picture him talking all that shi*. He would be talking from his back in short order. He obviously does not know the law and wants to make some up to exert his perceived authority. Way funny to see him storm off and refuse to identify himself. cartman2.gif
Nice and whats with the hero going for his side arm @ .15 seconds then he thinks about it, and then looks to be reaching again @ .20 and they worry about law abiding citizens with guns and trigger happy...sheesh.
In some states (MA included) if an officer asks to see your firearms license (if you're carrying), we MUST produce it.

Asking to see a pedestrian's driver's license, not so much...
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