Norinco SKS

May 29, 2006
Essex County
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I was browsing my favorite gun shop and found a Norinco SKS with a shorter barrel for $150. I picked the rifle up and it felt good in my hands. I almost bought, but decided to do some research. I have a laundry list of questions, and would appreciate some insight into:
1. Is this a good price for a new SKS?
2. Can it be converted to take AK magazines.
3. Romanians AK's go for 350. What is the benefit of having an AK as opposed to SKS when not considering magazine capacity?
4. how good of a rifle is it?
5. What would be some recommended literature/accessories to go with it?
6. Is there much of a difference between Yugo/Chiniese SKS ?


1. Is this a good price for a new SKS?

>YEs it is a good price for a chinese, they have not been imported for quite a >few years. It is likly the "paratropper" model with the shorter barrel.

2. Can it be converted to take AK magazines.

>yes BUT not sure on the legality here in mass I would have to say NO unless >it came with the adapter from the factory. (a few did I believe)

3. Romanians AK's go for 350. What is the benefit of having an AK as opposed to SKS when not considering magazine capacity?

> apples and Oranges sure they both shoot the same ammo the SKS "MAY" be >a little more accurate, but the AK has the advantage of the detacable mag
>and pistol grip.. sites on both are pure COMblock crap.

4. how good of a rifle is it?

> for an SKS the chinese are only surpassed but the Russian ones.

5. What would be some recommended literature/accessories to go with it?

> AMMO Surplus not commercial due to the fireing pin design, see the Surplus >section of this BBS for the info. also you will need a supply of stripper clips.
>that is how you load them (from the top of the action)
6. Is there much of a difference between Yugo/Chiniese SKS ?

>The BIGGY is that the Yugo does not have a chrome lined barrel or gas tube.
>Not huge deal but I prefer the chorme lining on a mil surp weapon.
Wild Weasel is right. $150 is a good price, I'd buy it and I already have a few Norincos. It probably is a paratrooper model. They were made by Norinco for the civilian market and not issued to the Chinese military BUT some have scope rails on the left side and in that case its definitely worth more than $150. Finding the correct mount would be like finding the winning lottery numbers but ya never know.
Adding a high capacity magazine unless originally configured to accept them is illegal.
One benefit over an AK is the folding bayonet found on an SKS. Plus stripper clips can be loaded in an SKS just as fast if not faster than changing a magazine. Both rifles have high tolerance to dirt and can still function when dirty although the AK wins hands down in this dept. One drawback is keeping the SKS bolt clean to keep the firing pin moving free. They are more accurate than AKs with the Chinese being some of the better ones and the Yugos coming in a close second, at least from my experiences. Plus they're half the price of an AK.
Good reading material can be found here:
half way down is the listing for SKS Carbines. Other accessories, if not already included, are a sling, stripper clips, cleaning/tool kit (which is sometimes found in the butt stock) and thats about it. Avoid the receiver cover scope mounts as they rarely hold zero and any gimicky add ons are usually just decoration. Only time I'd change the stock is if its a Norinco with the rear sling swivel on the side of the butt stock. These tend to dig into your cheek when shooting if you're a righty.
As for diferences between Yugos and Chinese, the Chinese models were built closely to Russian specs while the Yugos had some minor diferences in machining and fit. Bayonets are diferent where the Chinese has a spike and the Yugo a Russian style blade, but most Chinese and Russian parts are interchangable hence the Sino Soviet models which are hybrids of SKS rifles made with both countrie's parts.
Almost anything you ever wanted to know about SKS carbines can be found here:
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