Got an other reply...

Thank you for your letter and my apologies in advance for not making this a personal response. Since I have received an overwhelming amount of letters in opposition to this horrible legislation and I intend to answer all or them, I am a copying and pasting my response.

I will vote to oppose this bill and every other attempt to impose gun control or otherwise violate our Constitutional rights.

Trust me when I say that your letter, though it may go unanswered by some Representatives, does make a difference. Thank you again for writing me. Please feel free to write me at any time.

Thank you,

Steve Beaudoin
N.H. State Representative
Strafford District 9
more replies:
daniel itse: "are you one of my constituents?" (i can tell by this reply that i should be happy i'm not....)
jim coffey: "i agree"

Dan is one of the good guys and very strong 2a. I received several replies today! Mostly from Democrats who did not care for my email. ;)
Dan is one of the good guys and very strong 2a. I received several replies today! Mostly from Democrats who did not care for my email. ;)

This.. Dan is one of the best Rep's we've got.

From my Rep:
You've got my vote already! I just hope everyone remembers not to sound threatening, some people do that and it turns Reps off. I know it is frustrating since these people drive me crazy as well, but being polite is much better.

Take Care,


Rep. Tim Comerford

New Hampshire House of Representatives

Rockingham County District 33 (Fremont, Brentwood, Danville)

I did edit some other stuff out but he's another great Rep.
Last edited:
Keep it polite, all. We are trying to change minds. Make good points. Talk about privacy. Talk about lists. Talk about government exercising control over unpopular minorities. Persuade.
Keep it polite, all. We are trying to change minds. Make good points. Talk about privacy. Talk about lists. Talk about government exercising control over unpopular minorities. Persuade.

Sent mine. Touched on all points above.

To the members of the House of Representatives:

New Hampshire has a long history of respecting citizens privacy from government intrusion. New Hampshire is the only state to have a ban on license plate scanners in order to not create a government database of citizens whereabouts, which could easily be abused for political or financial malfeasance. Many of you voted to keep that ban in place and I thank you for that. New Hampshire is so concerned about government having databases and lists of its citizens that it not only allows a drivers license applicant to have their Social Security number removed from DMV records, we went one step further and also allow the applicant to have the photograph taken of them not entered into a government database.

If HB 1589 is passed, it would create not one, but TWO government run databases. It would create a database of all long gun purchases at the federal level, a database that New Hampshire has no control over. It would also create a state level list of all people who purchased a pistol or revolver. This list would include everything about the purchaser, their name, social security number, gender, race, and address. Aside from the obvious privacy violations this creates based on New Hampshire's history, it unnecessarily allows the government to exercise dominance over anyone or any group it chooses to.

If a minority becomes unpopular, like we saw during World War II with citizens of Japanese descent, the government could use this list for any number of evil purposes. And if you remember history, the US government did use registration lists to round up many of those Japanese citizens and then forced them at gunpoint into camps somewhere in the desert out west. Without a list, the government is limited in how it can control a minority and restrict liberty.

Further, if you vote for this bill, you will set a new precedent in New Hampshire; that it is okay to create a list and put everyone on it. Now while you may think this is fine, that the governor or attorney general would never do anything wrong with this list who is the say the next governor won't? Or the one after that? Also, we have seen how many times the US government agencies are hacked into. It is surprisingly easy to get confidential information once inside a network. The thief could then sell the list to every criminal willing to pay, and mind you, they would pay for that kind of golden information. Since this bill creates a list of all firearm owners, a criminal in possession of this list has not only a list of where all the firearms are located in the state to try to steal, he also knows that addresses not in that list are perfect targets for a home invasion since they have no firearms to defend themselves with making it all but guaranteed that the home invasion will be decided on the criminals terms and not the victim's.

In sum, privacy. This bill would destroy New Hampshire's strong reputation for ensuring citizens privacy. Please vote Inexpedient to Legislate.
Got a response from a Dover rep:

Dear soloman02,

Thank you for the personal, well-articulated reasons for your recommendation of ITL on HB 1589. I appreciate hearing from Dover residents and I especially appreciate it when people who contact legislators let us know that they are actually residents of New Hampshire and in particular of our area. I make a concerted attempt to respond to all Dover residents who contact me, whether or not they live in my district, Dover Ward 1.

I will be listening carefully to the debate on this bill. If you have read my community commentaries in Foster's over the past 18 months, you will already know that I try very hard to work from the middle, to balance competing interests. I have no interest in taking away 2nd amendment rights. I also believe that there are reasonable, responsible restrictions that may be placed on the right to bear arms, just as there are reasonable, responsible restrictions we place on other constitutional rights. I expect that how I understand HB 1589 to affect that balance, including the interests of privacy you raise, will be a deciding factor in how I vote.

In the interest of communicating effectively with my constituents, I maintain an email distribution list that I use from time to time to communicate my views. I never use this list for fundraising nor do I share it with others. When Dover people contact me, I automatically add them to this list. If you do not wish to be included, please let me know and I will promptly remove your name. For your information,k I attach the last document I sent to that list.

best wishes,

Jim Verschueren
Strafford District 13
Dover Ward 1

Interestingly, it wasn't addressed to him personally lol (I sent to everyone).

I think StrangeNH has the right angle when speaking to the Democrat representatives. Attack from the privacy angle. They know we are against it on firearms grounds. But they may not see the inherent privacy issues.

ETA: another one from a republican:

Dear soloman02,

I will be voting against HB 1589. As a strong defender of our second amendment rights I know that this is another piece of feel good legislation that will do nothing to stop crime, but will do everything to hinder law abiding citizens. It is absolutely asinine to force people to sell their private property through a licensed dealer, as they know the person they are selling to. Setting up the prelude to a gun registry is a big mistake that could someday lead to outright confiscation. I refuse to subscribe to the "it will never happen here" mentality. Thanks for getting in touch!

Take Care,


Rep. Tim Comerford

New Hampshire House of Representatives

Rockingham County District 33 (Fremont, Brentwood, Danville)
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Keep up the good work!
-Design. I have not yet responded to the email let alone counted them as my state house inbox is full. Both sides are sending in lots of emails.

For those with some time, call your reps, get your friends to call their reps, get your friends to call their friends to call their reps... (You get the idea)

Every night between now and next Monday, the reps should walk to home to a pile of phone messages. As StrangeNH said. "be polite and persuasive".

There is no need to get emotional as in a debate, the first one to lose control of the emotions loses the argument as that person fails to think clearly.

Make the reps defend this bad bill: the intrusion into private lives, the lack of security of the database, the beginning of a national gun registry, the increased costs for legitimate firearm transactions, the expressed statements during the hearing from the parents that where "shipped in" who stated this bill would have done NOTHING to prevent the Newtown CT Murders.

Ask them about a legitimate study option that was submitted by Jones. (Copied below). Remember, the FBI data, the Police one data, the evidence of lack of violent crime in NH and the increased crime in MA and CT.
Use the data and get them to admit that they are selling snake oil for political gain.


Rep. Hoell, Merr. 23
Rep. Jones, Straf. 24
Rep. Baldasaro, Rock. 5
February 4, 2014

Amendment to HB 1589-FN

Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:

AN ACT establishing a committee to study the correlation between current New Hampshire law and the low violent crime rate in this state.

Amend the bill by replacing all after the enacting clause with the following:

*1 Committee Established. There is established a committee to study the correlation between current New Hampshire law and the low violent crime rate in this state.
*2 Membership and Compensation.
I. The members of the committee shall be as follows:
(a) Six members of the house of representatives, 3 of whom shall be from the majority party, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and 3 of whom shall be from the minority party, appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives.
(b) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.
II. Members of the committee shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the committee.
*3 Duties. The committee shall:
I. Study the correlation between current New Hampshire law and the low violent crime rate in this state.
II. Study whether stricter gun control laws are effective at reducing the violent crime rate in this state.
III. Review and study national and state publications related to the correlation between stricter gun control measures and the violent crime rate in this state, including data and reports published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation relating to the correlation between stricter gun control legislation and the violent crime rate in this state. The committee shall also review publications by law enforcement departments, including the Police One survey on the potential effects of proposed gun laws on reducing violent crime.
IV. Investigate the gun control measures in Connecticut and Massachusetts to understand the correlation between stricter regulatory controls and higher crime rates.
V. Study the effectiveness of our current criminal justice system in prosecuting violent criminals.
*4 Chairperson; Quorum. The members of the study committee shall elect a chairperson from among the members. The first meeting of the committee shall be called by the first-named house member. The first meeting of the committee shall be held within 45 days of the effective date of this section. Four members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
*5 Report. The committee shall report its findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation to the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the house clerk, the senate clerk, the governor, and the state library on or before November 1, 2014.
*6 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.


This bill establishes a committee to study the correlation between current New Hampshire law and the low violent crime rate in this state.
This is the type of email that is coming in, in favor of passage.

I am a 65 year old retired corporate lawyer who has divided my vote over decades based on issues, not political beliefs. There is no more important an issue to me than the safety of my family. We are hunters, we are tax payers, we are voters. I am sick and tired of our elected officials spouting the NRA speaking points. Please, represent ME, and my family, not the NRA. I want reasonable safeguards against whackos buying guns. The framers of our Constitution never envisioned ordinary citizens buying automatic weapons with hundreds of rounds of ammo. PLEASE, stop this insanity.
Thank you,

[name with held]
This is the type of email that is coming in, in favor of passage.

I am a 65 year old retired corporate lawyer who has divided my vote over decades based on issues, not political beliefs. There is no more important an issue to me than the safety of my family. We are hunters, we are tax payers, we are voters. I am sick and tired of our elected officials spouting the NRA speaking points. Please, represent ME, and my family, not the NRA. I want reasonable safeguards against whackos buying guns. The framers of our Constitution never envisioned ordinary citizens buying automatic weapons with hundreds of rounds of ammo. PLEASE, stop this insanity.
Thank you,

[name with held]

I assume this was intended as humor.
This is the type of email that is coming in, in favor of passage.

I am a 65 year old retired corporate lawyer who has divided my vote over decades based on issues, not political beliefs. There is no more important an issue to me than the safety of my family. We are hunters, we are tax payers, we are voters. I am sick and tired of our elected officials spouting the NRA speaking points. Please, represent ME, and my family, not the NRA. I want reasonable safeguards against whackos buying guns. The framers of our Constitution never envisioned ordinary citizens buying automatic weapons with hundreds of rounds of ammo. PLEASE, stop this insanity.
Thank you,

[name with held]

The antis are so moronic - nothing is being proposed to ban "automatic" weapons or "hundreds" [shocked] of rounds of ammunition. I love the accusation of following "talking points" when he doesn't even know the details of the bill being proposed.
The post was made to show that the anti-s have no clue, but that are still emailing junk to the reps.
Please continue to call and mail.
The committee hearing and vote is UP!!!!!

Thanks to Patriot Ken Park for videotaping the hearing!

From the video description:

This subcommittee was bias, and parties voted party lines. An amendment was offered and the committee wanted no part of it voting 50/50. Simple majority is erroneous and when the committee is stacked with 1 extra of a party, who looses? The tax payers.

At 51:49 there is a confusion of words. Representative Muns, repeated Representative Williams vote of "no" and he was asking if that was his vote, he stated no. That to me is that he did not vote no. A technicality, but this is an area where technical is needed and expected from our legislators. Ron Belanger (R), Keith Murphy (R), Ruth Heden (D), Laura Jones (R), Richard McNamara (D), Pam Tucker (R), Angeline A Kopka (D), Catherine Mulholland (D), John Hunt (R), Donna Schlachman (D), Edward Butler (D), Chris Muns (D), Joe Scarlotto (D), Fred Rice (R), Stephen J Shurtleff (D), Emily Sandblade(R), Jill Hammond (D), Kermit Williams (D)

Please consider donating to my effort for the work I put into this video. The time to compile this information to have in one convenient spot. I did not create this for money, but this area of work is my livelihood. And I would hope you found it beneficial for you and others. Please donate too. http://gofundme.com/6g197o

Thank you Ken

Here is the response I got from Representative Sandblade:
Thank you for contacting the New Hampshire representatives about HB1589, "the worst anti-second amendment bill to hit the legislature in 2014."

The bill went through an initial hearing on January 21st. About 100 people from all over New Hampshire came out to oppose this horrible legislation. On January 26, an amendment was introduced to the bill that would have changed it to a study committee. This was an improvement over the original bill, although it would have been much better to simply kill the bill.

Even a study committee wasn't good enough for the likes of the bill's proponents, including their supporters from Granite State Progress and New Castle Promise. They want to push their agenda of firearm registration and heavy-handed regulation through the New Hampshire legislature this year. They believe that they are going to lose the House and possibly the governor's office this November. Of course, it's because of bills like this that they will lose.

In the meantime, though, they are still trying. The new amendment will be heard on Tuesday in the Commerce Committee at the Legislative Office Building in Room 302 at 2 p.m. This amendment--which replaces the entire bill--is still unacceptable to anyone who believes that we still have Second Amendment rights. Because the Commerce Committee chairman Ed Butler has not posted the amendment on the House website, I've posted it below.

The intent of this amendment is to create a de facto gun registry. It has been widely reported that BATFE agents have been visiting firearms dealers and copying all sales records for the last 20 years. Even though there is no federal-level authorization for such a registry, it's not difficult to understand what is going to happen to these records.

Here's the real kicker: Nothing in the original version of HB1589 or in the amended version below will increase public safety. Federal law already prohibits sales to felons, the mentally ill, and a number of other classes of individuals. This legislation adds nothing except the opportunity to build a registry of law-abiding gun owners. And to think that this would even be considered in the "Live Free or Die" state!

This is the part where I am asking for your help. The pro-firearm representatives on the committee are mounting a battle to kill this bill. But we are in the minority, and desperately need to pick up two more votes. If the bill goes to the full legislature with a negative recommendation from the committee, your firearm-friendly reps have a much better chance of stopping it there. And even if we can't stop it there, a close vote indicates to the State Senate that they should table this bill and never let it see the light of day again.

So here's what you can do:

1. Most importantly: Show up at the last committee hearing. The firearm-friendly reps desperately need as many supporters as possible to show their faces. Every representative knows that it takes considerable commitment for anyone to get to Concord during the week, and every person that does has very significant impact.

2. Make a statement: Come prepared to speak up about why this is a bad bill, and tell the Committee that absolutely NO amendment that infringes the 2nd Amendment will be acceptable. Urge the Representatives to kill the bill. Be polite, but firm in your opposition to this yucky legislation.

3. Call the representatives on this list, especially any that are elected from your district. Politely let them know that you consider this bill to be unacceptable (and tell them why) and ask them to vote against it.

Joe Scarlotto (Greenland, Newington, North Hampton, Portsmouth Ward 3)
(603)501-1800 [email protected]
Ken Gidge (Nashua Ward 6)
(603)888-2355 [email protected]
Kermit Williams (Francestown, Greenville, Lyndeborough, Wilton)
(603)654-7684 [email protected]
Catherine Mulholland (Alexandria, Ashland, Bridgewater, Bristol, Enfield, Grafton)
(603)523-4497 [email protected]
Ed Butler (Albany, Bartlett, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Freedom, Hale's Locations, Hart's Location,
Jackson, Madison, Tamworth)
(603)374-6131 [email protected]
Ruth Heden (Milford)
(603)673-7036 [email protected]
Chris Muns (Hampton)
(603)929-3629 [email protected]
Angie Kopka (Nashua Ward 1)
Jill Hammond (Peterborough)
(603)547-0715 [email protected]
Richard McNamara (Antrim, Bennington, Francestown, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Hillsborough,
Lyndeborough, Wilton, Windsor)
(603)464-0212 [email protected]

The Commerce Committee vice-chair, Donna Schlachman, is a co-sponsor of this legislation. and probably can't be persuaded to change her mind. But if you want to try, here's her contact info:

Donna Schlachman (Exeter) (603)772-4934 [email protected]
The antis are so moronic - nothing is being proposed to ban "automatic" weapons or "hundreds" [shocked] of rounds of ammunition. I love the accusation of following "talking points" when he doesn't even know the details of the bill being proposed.
In 1776, you didn't have people trying to break into your house with full-auto weapons trying to rape your wife and kids, and possibly shove a busted broom handle up your A while they raid your house.
I've had some positive responses. None from someone whose mind has been changed, but I think some of the themes are going to quietly kick around from rep to rep and may make the difference among the fence-sitters should this ever make it to a final floor vote.

It is essential that the middle-roaders realize this isn't the "pro-safety" bill it's alleged to be. It is more strict than Illinois or MA and yet it won't stop one criminal or lunatic! It would have done zero - zero - in preventing the mass shootings of the past and it does more than just "burden" the law-abiding. It puts them on lists.
NH ACTION ALERT: HB1589 Latest Amendment will shut down NES Classifieds

Emailed my reps... Flanagan and Levesque. Flanagan will oppose but Levesque will likely vote along party lines. However she may oppose if she thinks it'll impact her odds of being reelected (and I suggested that to her)
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