Newest Game worse than tide challenge

I watch the whole video and it looks like the drive-through lady had no idea what was going on. All the other ones look staged but it's still extremely dangerous obviously
Remember the mannequin challenge where the dudes staged a shootout and then all got arrested.... I think this will happen again
Looks like this is limited to young black guys who are into urban/hip hop culture, so those who aren't into that lifestyle shouldn't really have to worry, besides the possibility of getting hit by an ND. Of course if these guys want to start playing this "game" with people other than their buddies, well...
Keep all these challenges coming. Tide pod challenge is for pussies... I propose the Rat Poison challenge!!!
Looks like the way brothers remind other brothers not to leave the house with out your G and a 33!

If you don’t draw in return you loose?
I'm starting to think we will see the bleach & ammonia or gravity challenges by year's end. These kids are stupid enough to drown in the gene pool.
Honestly folks, it's time to take all the warning labels off of everything and just let this problem self correct. The gene pool is watered down enough as it is, these idiots need to remove themselves from it before breeding more idiots.
Sounds like the old pre-internet game "Gun-tu-mou"

I was having a discussion generally about this with an acquaintance the other day around school.

The honors classes for English read graphic novels, they have quite rooms and meetings (seems like weekly) about vaping, internet safety or something else obvious.

How about teaching kids what they need, not what they want or the liberals want to indoctrinate them with. The response was "But, its what the kids want" - my reply was "But kids are stupid - and schools aren't helping". Case in point - this threads OP.
And this is why all the safety Sallies on this and every other gun board needs to stop emphasizing trigger discipline. Some people should fall off ladders, lick electrical wires, SCUBA dive without tanks and shoot themselves. We're working against Darwin when we keep reminding people of basic safety.

And I'm wondering if these are staged or are the cities becoming a true third world? I'm usually armed, and I don't think my reaction would be as fast as half of these guys. Heck - if you went to a military base overseas and tried this you wouldn't get someone "replying" with a rifle nearly as fast (non-combat arms, I'm talking Air Force Intel or Maintanance. If you tried this with an infantry unit I'm hoping the reaction would be "explosive").

However, despite the fast reactions, it seems that everyone is in on the joke. Someone draws on me, I may not be fast but I'm sure as Hell going to fire, not just point back. Maybe these little thugs are conditioning themselves to not shoot?
My friends and I play a similar game while driving. If someone yells, "LOOK OUT" from the back seat, the driver needs to accelerate, find the nearest immovable object and strike it with as much force as possible. In order to "win" as a passenger, you need to remove your seatbelt before impact.

I've lost 12 friends this way. But they died doing what they love.
I think the lady in the Drive-Thru and the guy that dropped the milk were not in on it though they were genuinely scared. And with the poor trigger discipline all these people need is like a bug bite or a sneeze and boom they just shot their buddy in the head.
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