New York’s ‘Massive Resistance’ to the Supreme Court on Guns

Irrefutable argument. A recruiter asked me if I would be willing to relocate back to Mass for a job and I told him "not under any circumstances." That wasn't quite true but the amount of money it would take to convince me to move back to MA or worse, New York, is more than any employer would ever consider paying me.
When I was looking for work when I was getting out of the Navy in 1981, I was offered a lucrative job with Grumman, except I'd have to live on Long Island...thanks, but no thanks. They also offered me a job in San Diego where I was stationed at the time. I almost bit on that one. Glad I didn't.
As bad as Maura is even she has seen the writing on the wall and issued a memo to respect the ruling but NY had to show it's anger over losing a case and doubling down. See you court Governor!

I was actually AMAZED that Maura did that. Either she knows that GOAL is coming after her, or she wants to win the gubernatorial race and does not want to piss off gun owners any further. Probably both.

I am not trying to praise Maura in any way, and I still don't like her, but she is not stupid.
As much as I feel bad for those in NY , I'm looking at this as a gift .
This woman may single handedly bring about constitutional carry for the whole country.
I always thought it might have been Maura myself that brought it all down , but this one , wow.
Keep going full steam ahead and cut the brake lines lady.

I was actually AMAZED that Maura did that. Either she knows that GOAL is coming after her, or she wants to win the gubernatorial race and does not want to piss off gun owners any further. Probably both.

I am not trying to praise Maura in any way, and I still don't like her, but she is not stupid.
We had our own Maura the Whore when we were kids. Some things never change.

I love it when lefties attack each other.

That's one of the fundamental problems of the radical woke left. They're holding up so many protest signs that sooner or later, at least two signs will end up contradicting each other, at which point the party just starts in-fighting.

I was actually AMAZED that Maura did that. Either she knows that GOAL is coming after her, or she wants to win the gubernatorial race and does not want to piss off gun owners any further. Probably both.

I am not trying to praise Maura in any way, and I still don't like her, but she is not stupid.
Little will change with regard to MA licensing.

Governor-anoint Healey could not care less about votes she already was not going to get from non-fudd firearm owners.
That would eliminate every elected official and any law enforcement officer who lives in the city.

Here's how NY will get around the ruling.
They'll deem anyone who willingly chooses to live in NY as having a mental disability, and incapable of making rational decisions, thus disqualifying them from owning a gun.
There are sections of the city where some people already do that. Or so I've heard.

The term "arms" doesn't just apply to firearms, it includes all forms of weapons once carried to defend yourself.
Maybe NY would prefer everyone walking around carrying swords ???
I'm really worried about this new precedent of "Well, f**k it! We'll just do whatever we want!" regardless of supreme court rulings, findings, and interpretations. Even if that still ends up meaning NY would lose in court over the matter, it's still court. It's still a possible arrest in that local jurisdiction. Makes it a bit of a pyrrhic victory if one gets their constitutional rights via supreme court, but only after actively defending them in local court.

I love it when lefties attack each other.

It's about goddam time. The day Dobbs and Roe were overturned there were thousands upon thousands of tweets calling Thomas the N word and some even worse. You know I may not have liked Ruth Bader Ginsburg but I didn't deny her any dignity in death. She deserved the accolades simply because she did serve on the supreme court a feat not easy to do. Only a few hundred people have sat in the inscrutable chair in over 200 years. But the left went full on full force racist. Now the question remains what will the black community do now as a next move after seeing the overt racism on display from the left?

If I were on the right I would be preserving all of those tweets to show America, this is what the left thinks of the black and minority communities. Make them see how rotten these people really are. It's only fair.

The funny thing is I'm sitting here a white woman and think that Clarence Thomas may in fact be my all time favorite justice on the supreme court. He's very measured.
I'm really worried about this new precedent of "Well, f**k it! We'll just do whatever we want!" regardless of supreme court rulings, findings, and interpretations. Even if that still ends up meaning NY would lose in court over the matter, it's still court. It's still a possible arrest in that local jurisdiction. Makes it a bit of a pyrrhic victory if one gets their constitutional rights via supreme court, but only after actively defending them in local court.
New precedent? The reader might recall that Andrew Jackson said "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it" in 1832.

That quip is nearing its own bicentennial, and it was hardly the first time we saw such splits between the branches, nor the states pushing back against the federal government.

This kind of conflict is as American as silently replacing our entire government without advance notice. Fortunately, we have nearly 250 years of mostly bloodless coups in this country. With work we might keep it that way
I'm really worried about this new precedent of "Well, f**k it! We'll just do whatever we want!" regardless of supreme court rulings, findings, and interpretations. Even if that still ends up meaning NY would lose in court over the matter, it's still court. It's still a possible arrest in that local jurisdiction. Makes it a bit of a pyrrhic victory if one gets their constitutional rights via supreme court, but only after actively defending them in local court.

Nothing about this is new.

I'm tired of bringing up the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960s, but the dynamic was the same: court rulings, followed by states thumbing their nose, then by yes, arrests and defense in local courts. That's precisely what happened with Rosa Parks, for example: the NAACP shopped for her as a clean defendant and she agreed to break the unconstitutional law in order to help the courts gain ground. Every time Comm2A comes on here soliciting for clean defendants, they're looking for the Rosa Parks of 2A in MA.

It's not a "new precedent." Far, far, far from it. We've seen this same movie before. The end was inevitable, but it took awhile. It'll be the same for us.
Little will change with regard to MA licensing.

Governor-anoint Healey could not care less about votes she already was not going to get from non-fudd firearm owners.
Are you a member of GOAL? They have already filed legislation. Did you see Jim's video???

I Know, GOAL does not stand a chance, it's all over, kiss our guns goodbye. Why think positive about anything when we can just fear the worst.
New precedent? The reader might recall that Andrew Jackson said "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it" in 1832.

That quip is nearing its own bicentennial, and it was hardly the first time we saw such splits between the branches, nor the states pushing back against the federal government.

This kind of conflict is as American as silently replacing our entire government without advance notice. Fortunately, we have nearly 250 years of mostly bloodless coups in this country. With work we might keep it that way

I'm not much the history buff, so I'll take your word for it. I suppose I probably should be, considering the whole "history repeats itself" thing. I was only referencing this NY action and the blowback on the Roe/Wade thing, which has clearly struck a nerve and knee jerk reaction, to the point of the radical left wanting to somehow "repeal the supreme court". I'm sure there have been instances of this in the past, but this is still kind of a double whammy.
I'm not much the history buff, so I'll take your word for it. I suppose I probably should be, considering the whole "history repeats itself" thing. I was only referencing this NY action and the blowback on the Roe/Wade thing, which has clearly struck a nerve and knee jerk reaction, to the point of the radical left wanting to somehow "repeal the supreme court". I'm sure there have been instances of this in the past, but this is still kind of a double whammy.
In times of upheaval, folks get boisterous. In the 60s people were bombing government buildings. In 46, returning GIs stormed a national guard post and fought their town to ensure an election wasn't stolen. History is messy. Humans hate not getting what they think they deserve.

Mencken reminds us that "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

Among my favorite quips in times like this, and I forget the attribution, is that history might not repeat, but it sure rhymes.
It's about goddam time. The day Dobbs and Roe were overturned there were thousands upon thousands of tweets calling Thomas the N word and some even worse. You know I may not have liked Ruth Bader Ginsburg but I didn't deny her any dignity in death. She deserved the accolades simply because she did serve on the supreme court a feat not easy to do. Only a few hundred people have sat in the inscrutable chair in over 200 years. But the left went full on full force racist. Now the question remains what will the black community do now as a next move after seeing the overt racism on display from the left?

If I were on the right I would be preserving all of those tweets to show America, this is what the left thinks of the black and minority communities. Make them see how rotten these people really are. It's only fair.

The funny thing is I'm sitting here a white woman and think that Clarence Thomas may in fact be my all time favorite justice on the supreme court. He's very measured.
He is the current favorite to many but Scalia wasn't too bad.
In times of upheaval, folks get boisterous. In the 60s people were bombing government buildings. In 46, returning GIs stormed a national guard post and fought their town to ensure an election wasn't stolen. History is messy. Humans hate not getting what they think they deserve.

Mencken reminds us that "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

Among my favorite quips in times like this, and I forget the attribution, is that history might not repeat, but it sure rhymes.
I'm kind of fond of ..
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner. "
Are you a member of GOAL? They have already filed legislation. Did you see Jim's video???
GOAL files legislation? In the MA legislature? I would like to see that. Must have missed "Jim's video."
I Know, GOAL does not stand a chance, it's all over, kiss our guns goodbye. Why think positive about anything when we can just fear the worst.
There is value in being realistic.
I'm really worried about this new precedent of "Well, f**k it! We'll just do whatever we want!" regardless of supreme court rulings, findings, and interpretations. Even if that still ends up meaning NY would lose in court over the matter, it's still court. It's still a possible arrest in that local jurisdiction. Makes it a bit of a pyrrhic victory if one gets their constitutional rights via supreme court, but only after actively defending them in local court.

Ronald Reagan
We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

Ronald Reagan on rioters:
"All of it began when some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest."
GOAL files legislation? In the MA legislature? I would like to see that. Must have missed "Jim's video."

There is value in being realistic.
GOAL works to file legislation with a legislator. If it was a filing "on behalf of" it would be DOA.

One problem is they are titled civil rights bill rather than "An act fur further regulate". We all know which gets traction in MA.
I'm in Utica NY a few days - actually New Hartford on the rural / suburban border. Two friends who work as armed security guards said nobody in their companies knows for sure where or when they can carry outside to, from and on the job. But as most of their friends are off duty or retired LE, they don't seem to worried and carry on.

At a local diner now, where the farmers come in for breakfast to chat. Just a brief mention overheard about "we're all felons now" wrt to the new laws, followed by laughter.

Utica is trying to recover from being a shith*le for decades - the new law will have zero upside...
Hmm, I seem to remember that many liberal courts ignored Heller and MacDonald for many years and Thomas mentioned this as a reason to accept the NYC case and rule against NYC.
MA did until SCOTUS slapped them down with the order in Caetano. Which was nice, but not nearly enough to curb the states totalitarian approach to firearms ownership.

Hmm, I seem to remember that many liberal courts ignored Heller and MacDonald for many years and Thomas mentioned this as a reason to accept the NYC case and rule against NYC.
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