New World Order Trying to Kill America’s Gun Culture: EPA Shutting Down Gun Range in


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Dec 13, 2006
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New World Order Trying to Kill America’s Gun Culture: EPA Shutting Down Gun Range in

Jeffrey Grupp
May 21, 2009
I live in a Midwestern state. Near me is a huge shooting range, which is going to be put out of business by the EPA. Just before the completion of this article, the owner, call him W, of this particular range has unfortunately demanded that I not use his name or specify which range I am discussing in this article. I think this is a mistake on his part, but I have to honor it. This issue of shutting down this range is so large, so interconnected to all the issues that the audience is concerned with, that I will go at length into all the issues in detail in this article. At first, you might think, “ah, shutting down this range is just more of the same tricks by the New World Order.” And that’s true, of course. But there is something much bigger, deeper to this that I think most people are missing: the New World Order is trying to kill gun culture, and this is more important than their trying to destroy the Second Amendment. So, before we get into this story of this particular gun range, let’s first discuss why this story is so important: indeed, a core issue.
Amid all our discussion in the Patriot alternative media about the New World Order’s covert plans to remove the Second Amendment in America, we are perhaps not putting enough energy into what is conceivably an even deeper issue: the New World Order wants to destroy the ultra-powerful spirit of the American gun culture. Destroying the Second Amendment is actually not the most important issue in the New World Order attack against our inalienable right to self-protection. It is the second most important. Here’s why…

For those turned off by "New World Order" talk, I'd recommend trying to just ignore that term(stick "the libtards" in its place if you like :p), and have a look at this article.
It's about how the gun culture has informed, active people, who have a sense of community at gun shops and ranges, and how that is a threat to the powers that be, possibly more than the guns themselves.
Although the article made me want to go out and make a tin foil hat, it does bring up a point I've been saying for a long time. Namely that the way to destroy the 2A and gun ownership is to slowly make it unpopular, and remove it from the American psyche. It may take a few generations, but when it does happen no one will be around to care if the 2A disappears.

Go out and show other people the fun of shooting, and leave your other politics at the door.
Call me skeptical but....

Just before the completion of this article, the owner, call him W, of this particular range has unfortunately demanded that I not use his name or specify which range I am discussing in this article

This triggers my BS alarm in a major way. Why the secret? Whenever
ranges in MA have DEP problems, people know about it.

I'll take a guess- the EPA said that they were going to kill his children and burn his furniture if he told anyone about the enforcement action. [laugh]

This is about par for the course from .

I have no doubt that enviro-nazis are trying to close gun ranges- but there's
no reason to use lies or hyperbole to discuss the issues at hand- all that
does, is make us look bad.

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