Neil deGrasse Tyson on Twitter about the recent shootings.

One of the best non-apologies I've seen. He's sorry he misjudged the reaction some would have to the quantifiable facts.

I'm reading this as "I thought people were smarter, I was wrong"
I liked that apology also. Sorry your so easily offended by facts buuuuuuuut........I stand behind everything i said. I'll try not to hurt your feelings in the future however impossible that may be. At least that's what I got out of it.
He's made several anti-2A posts in the past. The interesting thing about this one is that it's statistics-based; he's getting absolutely slammed in the comments (unsurprisingly). Someone called him "problematic." I love when data is "problematic."

Bear in mind that this is much more than just a 2A thing though. He might not even be talking about "guns" so much as as the irrational media fetish with "mass shootings. ". There are people in american getting gunned down on the streets in random crimes and (insert other huge enormous social problems here) and people are getting emotionally wrapped up in events which are still, and still would be, statistical outliers. He is pointing a finger at america's retarded media based outrage culture more than anything else. People should be WAY MORE pissed off that some otherwise decent, capable kid in chicago lives in a shitty house with shitty parents (or parent) and can't get a decent job because nobody ever taught him life skills. There are thousands of minority kids in that situation living in big dump cities. THOUSANDS. on the other hand typical white wonky liberals and wonky jingoservative fakeshitpublicans watching mass media get frothed up into a lather about a sensationalized event which only affects a small number of people, but they get agitated "cuz the media told them to be outraged". It's a nice melange of racism and stupidity all in a neat bundle. I'm not even calling out the viewers as much as the media. Moonbats in congress point fingers calling trump a racist, media regurgitates it. Meanwhile, most mass media is, overwhelmingly, the absolute biggest block of REAL, actual f***ing racists in the country, making even a Louis Farrakahn or Robert Byrd look like amateur hour, etc. Somehow of course moonbats/leftists never call them out on it.

This is why I never shared his original tweet. I saw this coming.

That just shows you where we're at with the left. You know the people that claim to be all 'science-y' and yet when you show these people facts and information they go into a tail spin simply because the facts don't line up with their world view. Dave Rubin from the Rubin report put it best when he said "You can actually debate ideas with a conservative but you can't with a liberal". End of story right there.
Scientists are taught not to introject Values over Data. The left can't comprehend objective data. which is why they respond emotionally.
He's a scientist, he deals in facts. You'll note that he in no way says he's pro or anti 2a.
Yes, no, and maybe. He’s a left leaning scientist who believes that certain elements are settled whereas others are still evolving. I’ve listened to several of his talks because they were interesting but he certainly comes off as left leaning and those people are Leftists first above all else. It doesn’t matter that his statement was neither pro nor con, what mattered was the tone, context, and perception of it. And for that he was dragged back onto the Democrat plantation with a retraction.
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