Need your help- Which is the better buy?


NES Member
Sep 23, 2005
Merrimack Valley
Feedback: 171 / 1 / 0
Looking at two carry pieces.

1) S&W 642 - Hammerless .38 +p 5 shot airweight aluminum

2) S&W M60 - Stainless .38

#1 has the weight, +P advantage, and hammerless

#2 Is more rugged and what a revolver in my mind should be.

Which would you choose and why? I'm torn. This will be an everyday carry piece.
If it were me carrying a revolver I'd go with something hammerless and light. Unless you're going to shoot it often, rugged doesn't really matter. But I'd say if you shot it once in a while to keep up your self defense skills, it'd be a good enough carry piece.
Don't forget, if you have this in your coat pocket one day and go to draw it, you want something thats not going to snag when you pull it out.
Which would you choose and why?

I would take the 642 for strict pocket carry (I have a 342PD which is similar). But if you carry the M60 (which I also have) in a pocket holster you reduce the hammer snagging problem quite a bit. And if you place your thumb on the hammer as you draw that helps.

BTW, the M60 can also handle +P.
If its a carry gun, I'd get a 642 hands down. It's lighter and has no
hammer to snag on anything.

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