First let me say that I have done some searching on the site regarding my questions. It seems that my needs are different from most.
I do a lot of plinking with .223. I would like to begin reloading for plinking purposes. . I am not interested in producing target loads. My goal is to reload at a cost savings. And since I shoot about 75 rounds of .223 a week I would like to be able to produce large quantities of ammunition. I would be happy with producing 150 rounds an hour.
While I desire to spend as little as possible on a press I do not want to purchase something that will not get the job done. What press should I get?
I do a lot of plinking with .223. I would like to begin reloading for plinking purposes. . I am not interested in producing target loads. My goal is to reload at a cost savings. And since I shoot about 75 rounds of .223 a week I would like to be able to produce large quantities of ammunition. I would be happy with producing 150 rounds an hour.
While I desire to spend as little as possible on a press I do not want to purchase something that will not get the job done. What press should I get?