Neat video explaining the difference between a "republic" and a "democracy".


NES Member
Mar 21, 2006
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Stuff most of us already know, but often have difficulty conveying to others. Might be useful in trying to get people to understand the difference- you know, those numskulls we run into that try to tell us that America is a democracy... [laugh]

Great video, I've actually seen this before. Great explanation of political systems.

On a similar note, republicans and democrats are neither left nor right. They are simply political ideologies.
Great video.

The indisputable, deliberate dumbing down and disinforming of the American population over the past one hundred years by power hungry elitists has produced a nation of confused, politically ignorant morons who are nothing more than "useful idiots" being used by those who seek total control over this country and beyond.

This is why I automatically tune out and REJECT anything further said by anyone once they use the word democracy when refering to our Republican form of government. Any further discussion is like dueling with an unarmed man.

The books "The 5000 Year Leap" by W. Cleon Skousen and "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin explain these issues very well and I highly recommend reading them.
Good video. It always bugs me when people call our system a democracy. Especially being a member of any minority (like gun owners/gun rights supporters seem to be lately) where your rights can be voted away in one. Our republic protects (or, is supposed to protect) the rights of ALL citizens, even if you are the only person with a particular point of view.
It's also dangerous when you have mass media controlled by relatively few people, who can hammer uninformed people with nonsense in an attempt to sway public opinion.
I always say, we have democrratic elections, but once elected, the politicians are required by our constitution to run a Constitutional Republic.
....It's also dangerous when you have mass media controlled by relatively few people, who can hammer uninformed people with nonsense in an attempt to sway public opinion.....

No attempt about it... they succeed daily in great numbers to sway the masses to their agenda.

Kinda makes me mad at my history teachers. I feel like i've been fed BS and hoodwinked about what our government and political system is sapose to be

You feel that way.......because you have.......and with very deliberate intent by those who fed you their line of BS of keeping you ignorant of the truth of our government and history.
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