NBC Poll...Should the Supremes overturn the DC gun ban?

I guess the word has gone out. It's now 1860 to 273. Note, however, the problematic wording. The Supreme Court isn't deciding whether or not to overturn DC' gun ban, but to uphold or overturn the Court of Appeals ruling that already ruled it unconstitutional. I wouldn't be terribly shocked to see them proclaim that the poll shows 87% of the population wants them to overturn the lower court ruling.

I guess the word has gone out. It's now 1860 to 273. Note, however, the problematic wording. The Supreme Court isn't deciding whether or not to overturn DC' gun ban, but to uphold or overturn the Court of Appeals ruling that already ruled it unconstitutional. I wouldn't be terribly shocked to see them proclaim that the poll shows 87% of the population wants them to overturn the lower court ruling.


KMaurer said:
[...]problematic wording[...] I wouldn't be terribly shocked to see them proclaim that the poll shows 87% of the population wants them to overturn the lower court ruling.
...Which is why I've got screenshots of the question, my selection, and the result. Not that an NBC poll matters THAT much, but I'm sure I can think of a couple of places where I can get people upset about fake poll results...[grin]
Would you like to see the Supreme Court uphold or overturn D.C.'s gun ban?
Choice Votes Percentage of 4141 Votes
Uphold 397 10%
Overturn 3744 90%
Thank you for taking our unscientific survey. Check back later for updated results.
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