My great grandfather...


NES Member
Aug 24, 2005
RETIRED, at home or wherever I want to be
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Sylvanus Tinkham, a Civil War Vet. Taken in the early 20's. I have the ribbons he's wearing.

Amazing is right - thanks for sharing that with us.
Something really special about seeing the past here in the present.
That is truly awesome! What unit was he with? Where'd he fight?
Thanks for sharing. :)

Tho he was from this area, he enlisted in RI before the war. He was with the 3rd RI Heavy Artillery and went all the way thru most of the major battles.

As far as I know he never was wounded at least seriously. He stayed in for a few years after the war.

I have a framed fancy certificate of discharge which was dated May 4, 1869 and signed by then RI Governor Burnside. I'm sure it's the same Burnside that was a General in the CW.

His brother Charles was also in the army at that time but I have no info on him.
Tho he was from this area, he enlisted in RI before the war. He was with the 3rd RI Heavy Artillery and went all the way thru most of the major battles.

As far as I know he never was wounded at least seriously. He stayed in for a few years after the war.

I have a framed fancy certificate of discharge which was dated May 4, 1869 and signed by then RI Governor Burnside. I'm sure it's the same Burnside that was a General in the CW.

His brother Charles was also in the army at that time but I have no info on him.

Oooh, I just got the chills! It is the General Burnside that fought in the Civil War and was at Antietam!
Wow. Thanks again for sharing, this is truly awesome.
Really cool photo. Nice to know from whence you came, eh?
I had 3 great-great uncles who enlisted w/ the 35th Mass. in 62. Only one lived to come home at the end of the War.
One died of disease Feb. 63 in Falmouth, Va. after being engaged at Fredericksburg.
The other was KIA at Weldon's RR, outside of Petersburg in 64.
Have another ancestor who was KIA in Va while serving with the 10th Mass. Battery.
Is that a Medal of Honor?

Ambrose Burnside was also involved in the formation of the National Rifle Association.
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Is that a Medal of Honor?

Ambrose Burnside was also involved in the formation of the National Rifle Association.

nope, I can't remember what the medal is, but I know it's nothing extraordinary.

I have the framed certificate but it's to large for my scanner.

Maybe I can get a camera photo of it, if I work the light right.
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