My daughter was kicked off the school bus

Sep 12, 2012
South Shore MA
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Last week my 7yr old daughter was kicked off the school bus for the rest of the school year. Simply because she told one of the other kids that her daddy has guns. She didn't threaten or say this with any kind of malicious intent. I have since spoken to her about it. She didn't realize that it was such a big deal. She was more excited about it because I have been taking her to archery lessons at my local gun range and she saw a few guns.

Seems like more of a punishment to me because I have to drive her to and from school.

I'd like to go up the school and try and get her back on the bus.

Any thoughts / ideas / help
Schedule an appointment to speak with school administration. If no resolution with that course, lawyer up.
Bull shit. Kids were generally thrown off the bus temporarily if they got into fights or cause problems for the drivers. Put up a stink if that gets you no where lawyer up, Complete BS.

In my town when I was in High school they put in a new rule if you lived within 2 miles of the school you had to walk or pay $200 for a bus pass. WTF are we paying taxes for?! Also was suppose to pay $200 to park my car on school property. I just parked in the teachers lot after we got bagged for making fake passes.
Nothing illegal was done, mentioned or even suggested. Meet with the school administration - if they aren't listening (you can tell - policy, blah, blah - zero tolerance, blah, blah) tell them your only step is to get your lawyer involved.

Punishment for no crime if forbidden somewhere iirc.
Schedule an appointment with school administration and request the official reason why your daughter is being discriminated against! No threat or malintent from your daughter. The knife cuts both way on this and i'd be furious.
Nothing illegal was done, mentioned or even suggested. Meet with the school administration - if they aren't listening (you can tell - policy, blah, blah - zero tolerance, blah, blah) tell them your only step is to get your lawyer involved.

Punishment for no crime if forbidden somewhere iirc.

Even better...don't bother telling them you have to get a lawyer involved. Just do it, hit 'em hard with no warning.
I'd be inclined to bring a lawyer to whatever meeting you have with the school admin. I certainly wouldn't go alone!
I would be raining fire and brimstone down on those f'ers if that was my daughter. I "had the talk" with my daughter many years ago though, because I could forsee nothing good coming from her discussing the fact I own guns at school, or to anyone outside of our home for that matter! Don't let this go without meeting with the school! Obviously, you need to handle it calmly (at first, anyway), but don't take it lying down!
Who exactly kicked her off the bus for the remainder of the year? Did you get a phone call or letter?

There is absolutely no reason for this. What if the school was anti corvette and your daughter talked about how you had one or she had seen one at a car show. Does that get the same treatment???
Find yourself a scary assed lawyer.
I knew one that used to make people like that pee themselves a little in the 1st 5 minutes.
If she was still alive i'd send her your way.
Don't let them control the meeting when you do meet.
Do you guys feel that it's kind of ridiculous?
It's way beyond "kind of ridiculous". Assuming she was just talking about it like you said, it's complete horseshit. I can see how if she was arguing with some other kid who said something like "my dad can beat up your dad" and she responded with "oh yeah? my dad has guns!", that they would twist that into some paranoid nonsense. It doesn't even seem like that was close to the case here. I'd be furious.

I'd be inclined to bring a lawyer to whatever meeting you have with the school admin. I certainly wouldn't go alone!
Good advice.
Cover your vehicle with as many gun decals as possible, wear gun hat and shirt and walk your daughter to the school door [laugh]
I'd be inclined to bring a lawyer to whatever meeting you have with the school admin. I certainly wouldn't go alone!
If they can twist her words into a threat, they can twist any mention you may make of owning guns, or having and LTC, into a threat. Harder to do that if there is your lawyer present doing the talking.
I certainly want to get her back on the bus. I'd love to bring a lawyer. With Christmas coming up a lawyer is a bit out of my price range. I'm definitely going to meet with some administration. In going to try and get ahold of the superintendent first.

NorthShore- the vice principal called me and I had a brief chat about it. I just listened and didn't say what was on my mind. I was to pissed of at that moment.

Bren42970- id rather not say the town just yet. Until it's all straightened out
I appreciate the input from all of you. This is why I love NES. I wasn't sure if I should speak up or roll over. I was leaning towards what you all are saying.

Do NOT roll over...they cannot get away with this BS. Absolutely outrageous...this incident moves to the top of my stupid list. Sue for emotional damages!
Get a nice tie pin first. [smile]

Who exactly kicked her off the bus for the remainder of the year? Did you get a phone call or letter?

There is absolutely no reason for this. What if the school was anti corvette and your daughter talked about how you had one or she had seen one at a car show. Does that get the same treatment???

The part in bold. How were you notified of this? Who made the determination? As others have said, contact administration and ask to meet with them. Request that the bus driver be present at that meeting since he/she was the adult in charge of the students riding the bus. (They may try to claim that your daughter's comments "frightened" the other children. If so, the driver should be able to articulate exactly how many children were crying, upset, or otherwise traumatized)

At the meeting, ask them to provide you with a written copy of the school policy that was supposedly violated, resulting in such a lengthy suspension. If they insist that their course of action is correct, tell them you wish to appeal their decision. There is always an appeals process. Inform them that you intend to have counsel present at the appeal hearing, but only if you are able and willing to actually pay an attorney to be present.

My guess is that this will get resolved before you have to consider going to court.
Welcome to Nazi America!! Try the petty officials-er-administrators, but have a lawyer at the ready. Most admins are not paid to think or be rational/reasonable!
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