My daughter was kicked off the school bus

Makes me love my daughter's school all the more. Private christian school. My daughter asked why I don't carry when I bring her to school (she finds being unarmed odd, and she's six) and I told her it was against the law. She said the law is dumb because bad guys don't obey the law. (My daughter is officially too smart to run for public office). She asked her teacher why I can't carry my gun, and the teacher (and later the principal) agreed it was a dumb law and said it didn't make sense!
Neither have brought it up with me, but no panic involved. I've told her not to tell people about our guns, but I think the stupid finally got to her and she had to question it.

Is your daughter at PVCS? I have lots of friends who went there haha.
Makes me love my daughter's school all the more. Private christian school. My daughter asked why I don't carry when I bring her to school (she finds being unarmed odd, and she's six) and I told her it was against the law. She said the law is dumb because bad guys don't obey the law. (My daughter is officially too smart to run for public office). She asked her teacher why I can't carry my gun, and the teacher (and later the principal) agreed it was a dumb law and said it didn't make sense!
Neither have brought it up with me, but no panic involved. I've told her not to tell people about our guns, but I think the stupid finally got to her and she had to question it.

The school could give you permission to carry on property if you ask. Perhaps it's worth a try?
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