My daughter was kicked off the school bus

They never twisted her words into a threat. The vice principal told me she didn't threaten anyone. She just said. My daddy has guns.

Very proud that you are remaining calm and will deal with this. I am livid! What if she said my mommy has knives? Good blood pressure is thru the roof...
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I'd say get a lawyer also, even if just to tag along. Either way, record everything. Maybe you can tell them you are getting a lawyer (must be ready to follow-through), and will bill them for his or her time.
I'd try to work it out with the school before getting a lawyer. If the school senses litigation coming on and decides to dig in, you'll be stuck dealing with this for longer than the actual punishment will last. Honestly, I'd even go as far as to tell school officials that logistically speaking you can't take her to school. Offer alternative solutions in terms of punishment ( even if you don't do it).

I can't imagine it would be too hard to get the school to allow her back on the bus.
If you cannot afford a lawyer I suggest bringing a neutral/level headed party with you so there will be no bullying or misrepresentation of what was said. Sounds like the train is waAaaaaaay off the tracks where you are....
If you ask for a meeting they will more than likely have the public safety officer (local police dare officer) show up without your knowledge. Show up un-annnounced with your wife and ask to talk to the principal or who ever to keep it between you and them. Try talking first it's the cheapest way out.
I certainly want to get her back on the bus. I'd love to bring a lawyer. With Christmas coming up a lawyer is a bit out of my price range. I'm definitely going to meet with some administration. In going to try and get ahold of the superintendent first.

NorthShore- the vice principal called me and I had a brief chat about it. I just listened and didn't say what was on my mind. I was to pissed of at that moment.

Can you afford to lose your LTC and all your guns? They certainly have the power to turn this into an "unsuitable person" issue where Village Vault will own your property.

Sadly you can not afford to NOT go with an attorney. As others said, their school resource officer will likely "appear" and a full report handed to the police chief. Anything you say WILL be used against you. This is on the same level as that video "Do Not Talk to the Police"!

Do NOT roll over...they cannot get away with this BS. Absolutely outrageous...this incident moves to the top of my stupid list. Sue for emotional damages!

Yes, they can get away with this crap. They've done it many times over all over the country. Think a piece of toast, pop-tart, etc. or even a finger looking like a gun anywhere near a school, two kids posing for pictures with an Airsoft gun, etc.

If you don't bully them with an attorney, they will bully you, that is a certainty.
Also in ... If you don't want to bring a lawyer record the entire meeting and be sure to let them know you will make it a legal battle if need be
I honestly wouldn't bother with recording it. A legal battle over what is essentially a 6 month ban on riding a school bus would be counter productive to anyone's wallet. By the time it even goes to court the punishment would be over. Not to mention he would have to announce he was recording the meeting (by my understanding of MA Laws) ( ) Which would pretty much do away with any good will he had going into it.
You could always bring your kid to a school committee meeting. Let them see her and realize how stupid their policy is. Then get them to commit to undo their own stupidity. Maybe it wasn't even them, but the superintendent, principal, or just the driver. Not enough info here to know. What town?
If you bring a lawyer, they won't be saying two words to you until they get a lawyer in the room too. And it will then be escalated to serious business.

I'd go talk to them and see if you can work it out. Go ahead and record the meeting, make sure you tell them you are recording. And don't say anything even slightly threatening.
If you ask for a meeting they will more than likely have the public safety officer (local police dare officer) show up without your knowledge. Show up un-annnounced with your wife and ask to talk to the principal or who ever to keep it between you and them. Try talking first it's the cheapest way out.

Excellent point! Don't setup an appointment, just show up.
Record the meeting with your smart phone. I recorded all of my 2 kids parent teacher conferences last week. I asked their permission first which they granted. Told them I wanted my wife to hear what they had to say. They all thought it was a great idea.
Absolutely unbelievable. I'm glad I have an attorney on retainer through my job, just because of ridiculousness like this.
Absolutely do not talk with them alone! Bring at least one, preferably two witnesses. The principal will not be alone, but will be with one or two other administrators. I'd also vote for recording the session. They may make it into a further threatening situation on your part b/c of the "G" word. Do not trust moonbat school administrators.
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