My barber showed me his carry gun in the middle of my hair cut!!!!

i wear a goal hat or a smith and wesson sweat shirt. some old buzzard

walks up to me and say "where's the gun" i told him it was up his ass,

feel a bit cold. he had no clue what to do.

I wish I could be so quick on my feet...if I am not looking for/expecting a social interaction my mind is usually elsewhere, I probably would have responded with a "uhhh, huh?"
There are more of us out there than we think! I got to talking with my barber and the topic of guns came up. Lately I avoid this conversation like the plague as I live in Ma. When he ever pulled his carry gun and started talking about loving the range I couldn't have smiled more. People love their guns and their rights!

Hay thats not the hair dryer........
My Barber encouraged me to get my LTC and now it takes about 2hrs to get a haircut, ha ha. I have even been caught coming back to work super late after a haircut lunch break.
There are more of us out there than we think! I got to talking with my barber and the topic of guns came up. Lately I avoid this conversation like the plague as I live in Ma. When he ever pulled his carry gun and started talking about loving the range I couldn't have smiled more. People love their guns and their rights!

Is the shop your talking about in Easton on Washington street about 1.5 miles from Zero Hour Arms?? If that's the one your talking about the owner is very supportive of our 2A and has a pretty nice collection him self!
Exactly what I've been saying for awhile now. The PC way has only gotten us in deeper by hiding and keeping a low profile. I talk to absolutely everyone I can, everywhere I go about guns, and the challenges we face as law abiding citizens. Drives my wife crazy though![laugh]

Hey, it worked for the gays, right?[wink]
I'm with you on the "drives the wife crazy talking to any-and-everyone about guns and gun rights" front... and she even shoots with me!
You too?

There are more of us out there than we think! I got to talking with my barber and the topic of guns came up. Lately I avoid this conversation like the plague as I live in Ma. When he ever pulled his carry gun and started talking about loving the range I couldn't have smiled more. People love their guns and their rights!

Hey Derek! Can we get a Barber's Forum?
I'm currently sitting in my club's B.O.D. meeting where we just voted in membership for a barber. Not sure what town his shop is in yet.
What I have found is that many places won't take an LTC as a form of ID, not out if fear but because it is not considered a proper form of ID. Stupid as hell but true

I used mine once in a liquor store back in the 80's.
They girl at the counter said "I don't think I can accept this, let me get the manager"
The manager comes out, looks at it and says "if he has a gun, give him anything he wants" then walks away. [laugh]
I use the gun conversation as a kind of gauge. Talking to a (new) barber while I'm getting my haircut, she asks "What do you do for fun" to which I replied "Collect and shoot guns". She went silent and the rest of the haircut was done with no discussion that wasn't related to the haircut... now I go elsewhere to get my haircut. Worst that can happen is I get asked to leave, and that shop no longer gets my business and I let my friends know to steer clear.

...also, in for a lapel pin "2AM".
I use the gun conversation as a kind of gauge. Talking to a (new) barber while I'm getting my haircut, she asks "What do you do for fun" to which I replied "Collect and shoot guns". She went silent and the rest of the haircut was done with no discussion that wasn't related to the haircut... now I go elsewhere to get my haircut. Worst that can happen is I get asked to leave, and that shop no longer gets my business and I let my friends know to steer clear.

...also, in for a lapel pin "2AM".

Before I started shaving my own head again I had a little episode when a piece of .45 brass happened to fall out of my jacket and made its way across the floor... the woman cutting my hair just smiled and said oh don't want that to happen in the wrong place. She said her boyfriend was a shooter for many years and her family were shooters also.
Back in the early 70s at my dentist, he showed me his S&W Model 60 Chief's Special. That was the turning point for me; I just had to have one and eventually bought one at Bob's in Boston for $139.95. It is my everyday carry.

He also showed me his Walther PP and I fell in love with that too! I ended up with a couple of those as well.

Lots of us out there and you'd never know it.....CCW works.

This thread got me thinking (which is a problem in itself). I've had similar incidents recently. Someone on another thread suggested "2AM" for "2nd Amendment March." It could just as easily stand for "2nd Amendment." Small pins or stickers that just have "2AM" on them to show support discreetly (at least at first) until the antis figure it out.

I was actually thinking of making pins and small stickers like that
Before I started shaving my own head again I had a little episode when a piece of .45 brass happened to fall out of my jacket and made its way across the floor... the woman cutting my hair just smiled and said oh don't want that to happen in the wrong place. She said her boyfriend was a shooter for many years and her family were shooters also.

I shave my own head too, but when I do my Goatee I look like a frigging Picasso, so I go to the barber.
I got my barber to take the Mass State Police Safety test, and now that he's moved out of a red town, he's going for his license [grin].
But the other side of the coin is that if the moonbats really knew how many were carrying, we'd being seeing signs like this popping up everywhere:


That would certainly make professional criminals' jobs easier, wouldn't it? Perhaps it would help to cut down on work-related injuries.

I know it would make it far easier for me to determine who not to give my business.
The shop is Goodfellas in Quincy Center. Great shop and the only place I'll go to get my hair cut. Especially now that I know it's well protected!
i stood up at the vietnamese restaurant the other day and showed these two dudes behind me my glock. like right in their faces. deal with it, i have a gun. i am enlightened.


really i just pulled my sweater up over my head. whoops.
That would certainly make professional criminals' jobs easier, wouldn't it? Perhaps it would help to cut down on work-related injuries.

I know it would make it far easier for me to determine who not to give my business.
Amen, HB!

We're having an NES dinner gathering out this way soon, and the fact that the owners of New England Steak & Seafood are avowedly pro-2A is a big factor in the choice of venue!
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