Musket help needed...

Mar 9, 2005
Haverhill, MA
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Okay - I have a CVA double barrell musket that uses No. 11 nipples. Due to all my hand surgeries, I'm trying to find nipples for musket caps. The thread on the nipples seems to be 12x28, however, all I've been able to find is 1/4x28. I've tried CVA, Thompson Center and googled, but all I'm finding is the 1/4.

Any suggestions? :?
I am assuming you want the larger nipple to accommodate musket caps due to the size being larger (therefore easier to manipulate) than the #11 caps. This nipple is specifically for CVA rifles to convert it to the musket caps.
Or have you considered simply using a capper? This one is inexpensive Or this one has a larger capacity, more expensive, but holds more caps

Just some thoughts..

Nice to know that I'm not the only one here that does business with Midway. They're not always the cheapest, but, they ship quick, and usually have what I'm looking for. My father does a fair amount of business with them and he's a dealer/Ammo Manufacturer.
Well... They do have just about EVERYTHING, and anything I have ever needed they have in stock and I always get it in a couple of days... Sometimes it pays to pay a little more..

Thanks Nickle and Adam - I just ordered two of them. If they don't work, I can send them back. It looked like it will work (and it was the only one I found that said it was for CVA), but I won't be able to tell until I try them.

I did try a capper Adam, but it was a pain in the neck (and it once was literally as the ribbon caugh around the hammer and I got a slight rope burn on my neck [lol] ).

thanks again guys!
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