More Judges Packing Heat


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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Threats to Judges, Prosecutors Soaring
Worried Court Personnel Resort To Guards, Identity Shields, Weapons

Here's an excerpt. Click link for full text:

Threats against the nation's judges and prosecutors have sharply increased, prompting hundreds to get 24-hour protection from armed U.S. marshals. Many federal judges are altering their routes to work, installing security systems at home, shielding their addresses by paying bills at the courthouse or refraining from registering to vote. Some even pack weapons on the bench.

The problem has become so pronounced that a high-tech "threat management" center recently opened in Crystal City, where a staff of about 25 marshals and analysts monitor a 24-hour number for reporting threats, use sophisticated mapping software to track those being threatened and tap into a classified database linked to the FBI and CIA.
"I live with a constant heightened sense of awareness," said John R. Adams, a federal judge in Ohio who began taking firearms classes after a federal judge's family was slain in Chicago and takes a pistol to the courthouse on weekends. "If I'm going to carry a firearm, I'd better know how to use it."

I certainly wouldn't want to be a judge if I wasn't packing a little "Roscoe".
What sucks is the "Elitist" types that feel that their own lives are worth more than anyone elses, and make rulings that take guns away from you and me, but not themselves.
What sucks is the "Elitist" types that feel that their own lives are worth more than anyone elses, and make rulings that take guns away from you and me, but not themselves.

+1 I hope theyre smart enough to realize theyre the same as you or me....
I certainly wouldn't want to be a judge if I wasn't packing a little "Roscoe".
What sucks is the "Elitist" types that feel that their own lives are worth more than anyone elses, and make rulings that take guns away from you and me, but not themselves.

Is this a blanket statement or could it be that these judges are those who actually rule in favor of 2A rights? Wouldn't you think the judges that are tougher on criminals and thus would have more threats would be those that would support 2A rights to begin with? I doubt as many of the "revolving door" judges get threats.
Is this a blanket statement or could it be that these judges are those who actually rule in favor of 2A rights? Wouldn't you think the judges that are tougher on criminals and thus would have more threats would be those that would support 2A rights to begin with? I doubt as many of the "revolving door" judges get threats.

The point being made is anyone should be allowed to "pack" anywhere.
THis is great! The more judges carrying for protection, the more likely they are to start seeing the value of guns for protecting common (ie not anointed) citizens, and the more likely they will start making reasonable legal decisions.
What sucks is the "Elitist" types that feel that their own lives are worth more than anyone elses, and make rulings that take guns away from you and me, but not themselves.

You just don't get it, do you?? THEY ARE more important.. They are far above the great unwashed. Rules, laws and judgements are for the little people, like you and me. Not the rich and powerful such as those whose names we are only allowed to speak in great reverence to..

THis is great! The more judges carrying for protection, the more likely they are to start seeing the value of guns for protecting common (ie not anointed) citizens, and the more likely they will start making reasonable legal decisions.

Unfortunately, I think your delusional. WE are they people they want to control and disarm. THEY are members of the ruling class and elite, they feel they are entitled to be protected, as their lives have value. Now go back to work to generate more taxes, the judge needs a new yacht.
Regrettably, I think that seanc is much more on target here!

Think Rosie O'pig and Ted "the drunk" who have armed guards but do everything they can to disarm the masses of unwashed (us).
The MA SJC justices make $150K a year according to the payroll. That's a nice sum for sure, but that's not even close to what some of the other state employees here in this state make (and I'm not talking about police officers and details either).

Judges don't deserve to be lumped as a group with people like Ted. The more judges that apply for CCW licenses and who become familiar with firearms, the better.
I'm definitely split. The optimist in me thinks along the lines of vellnueve and Spanz. However I think LenS and seanc are on to something.
In my very limited experience with judges.. I have found that they are the "lawgivers". They are vested with lifetime employment, answerable to none, only removable by act of God. And above the law that they dispense to others. At least that has been my experiences..

On the flip side, people like Teddy K, Oprah and Rosie.. Here are violently anti gun people that can afford to hire a person to carry a gun on their behalf. The bodygard is little more than an armed slave. Their lives are of little importance to these stars. They fully expect these hired armed goons to take a bullet for them and shoot back. The logic is generally that they are "well paid" and their big fat assess are just SOoooo important..

Anybody know if Senator Chappaquidick's body guards still carry the mini uzis? Teddy's butt is way too valuable to be covered by mere semi Sigs ya know!!!
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THis is great! The more judges carrying for protection, the more likely they are to start seeing the value of guns for protecting common (ie not anointed) citizens, and the more likely they will start making reasonable legal decisions.
You're dreaming. What is much more likely is that they are seeing the need to ensure that the great unwashed (IE; you and I) are disarmed so that they can't constitute a thread their masters (IE; the judges).

Rules, laws and judgements are for the little people, like you and me. Not the rich and powerful such as those whose names we are only allowed to speak in great reverence to...
Yeah, he's got it.
Making a blanket statement here..

Any person that uses "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" in any serious manner believes that their lives are worth of protecting and yours is not. Any and all laws do not apply to them.

your mileage may vary..
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