Michael Moore wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment

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Who cares what he thinks, just just another libtard.

The more troubling part is that the average American lacks the civics education in how the constitution works. They think you can just change the bill of rights. Not how that works.

sad but a lot of people listen and take him serious. thankfully, not a majority. every time i see the guy, he reminds me of one of those caricature bandit targets they use to sell years ago. he just needs to wear the raccoon bandit eye mask that everyone pictures these sneak thieves wear. his time is coming, he'll take a fall.
He should call up Linskey and they can be ineffective and irrelevant together!

I was looking for something I didn’t actually have to worry about today, and here it is.
Who cares what he thinks, just just another libtard.

The more troubling part is that the average American lacks the civics education in how the constitution works. They think you can just change the bill of rights. Not how that works.

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The bill of rights would have been overwritten 1,000 times over if it were easily done. We would have a UK version of the 1st Amendment so cucks like Harry don’t move here and get offended and no 2nd.

Amending the constitution is difficult. That’s why the pro-choice people didn’t try for 50 years and instead just complained and used the threat that Roe would be overturned someday by the Right. That constant threat helped to get donations to fund the coffers of pro-choice groups paying out $250,000 a year to administrative assistants.
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