To make it easy, the colors are white, yellow, orange, and red. When I teach the color code, I define white as oblivious to your surroundings, Yellow as watchfully aware with no specific threat on the horizon, orange is when a specific possible threat has been identified and red as when you know that you will have to take action.
Think about the color code in terms of driving a car. No one would admit to driving a car in condition white. Most people are in condition yellow when driving. When you see a car, ahead of you, starting to back to back out of a driveway, you go to condition orange and put your foot on the brake in case it is needed. Additionaly you start to think about what you can do if the car pulls out in front of you. Can you turn left or right, can you pull into the middle of the road, can you brake in time?. The car waits and pulls out in front of you. You are in condition red and you execute the plan that you thought of in condition orange.
Think about the color code in terms of driving a car. No one would admit to driving a car in condition white. Most people are in condition yellow when driving. When you see a car, ahead of you, starting to back to back out of a driveway, you go to condition orange and put your foot on the brake in case it is needed. Additionaly you start to think about what you can do if the car pulls out in front of you. Can you turn left or right, can you pull into the middle of the road, can you brake in time?. The car waits and pulls out in front of you. You are in condition red and you execute the plan that you thought of in condition orange.