Membership in gun rights groups spike after shooting.

The left doesn't understand why we aren't just rolling over and taking it like a good little John McCain, Lindsey Graham, George Bush, or Charlie Baker. Bullying everyday Americans and conservatives into silence or penance always used to work before.....
On the subject of gun group membership numbers:
In an e-mail that I received from GOA today, they make reference to their 1.5 million members.
That just caught me a little bit by surprise.
As solid, "no compromise" as they seem to be, I would have expected their membership numbers to be higher.
I thought they were more widely known than NAGR, for example, and NAGR claims to have nearly the same number of members as the NRA.
Never even heard of NAGR.

GOA has the same problem as the NRA when it comes to stepping on themselves. Larry Pratt can be strident and pick fights over foolish inconsequential things (tax breaks for hearing aids) which only hurts their political capital.

GOA also doesn’t listen like NRA/SAF does when one asks their member services to stop junk mail.
Never even heard of NAGR.

The link below is their latest statement in which they claim Trump’s pullback from recent anti statements was due to their membership. Another portion of the statement is spent ragging on the NRA for perceived past compromise and alluding to the potential for more of the same in the future.

If you set aside the organizational dick measuring contest it is an otherwise interesting read.

The Battle Lines are Shifting
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