Massachusetts to take about 2,500 refugees from hurricane


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Feb 27, 2005
Plymouth, MA
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Massachusetts to take about 2,500 refugees from hurricane

By Theo Emery, Associated Press Writer | September 4, 2005

FRAMINGHAM, Mass. --Gov. Mitt Romney said Sunday that about 2,500 refugees from Hurricane Katrina will arrive in the state for emergency shelter within the next 48 to 72 hours, and predicted that some would end up permanently relocating to Massachusetts.

Romney said he was told Sunday by the federal government to prepare for the evacuees, who will be temporarily housed at Camp Edwards on Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod.

Romney said Otis has many amenities to accommodate the large numbers, including beds, a school medical facilities and a movie theater.

"We have instituted Operation Helping Hands, indicating the compassion of the people of Massachusetts is as large as our hearts and that we're going to be helping those who are victims of the tragedy in the Gulf," Romney said at a news conference at the state Emergency Management Agency headquarters.

Romney had no estimate of the cost of the effort, but said that it would be shared with the federal government.

"I want to point out at the beginning that cost is not one of our considerations. Compassion is coming first," Romney said. "We're going to worry about the money at another time."

Romney added that the state has a budget surplus this year, so he expects that the costs of the relocation effort can be covered.

The governor said that most, if not all, of the evacuees would be flown directly to Otis. The exceptions would likely be people with severe medical needs, who would fly directly into Logan International Airport in Boston for transport to area hospitals.

It was unclear which area of the hurricane-ravaged region the refugees would be coming from, but Romney said it was likely they were being transferred from shelters in Texas, where many refugees have been placed.

Romney described a massive mobilization to help the evacuees that would meet both their immediate needs and their long-term necessities.

The first phase of the effort will be triage when the planes arrive at Otis, to determine the medical needs of the evacuees, who they are and whether they have identification. If they don't, the state plans to provide them with a new temporary state ID, Romney said.

After the refugees are settled, officials will do a more detailed assessment of their needs, such as whether their children need schools, if counseling is needed and whether family members are still lost.

Romney predicted that refugees would only be at Otis for one to two months, but then some would settle permanently in the state. The governor said Massachusetts would have to help some of evacuees get jobs, find housing and transportation.

Romney also predicted that thousands more people will probably follow on the tails of the first wave -- friends and family who will join the original wave.
They'll probably be the inmates from the NO jails/prisons that they released when the jails/prisons flooded!
MikeD122 said:
I hope they aren't looters.

I hope they aren't Democrats! [lol]

If they worked for a living, they are probably Republicans.

If they lived off of welfare, handouts or were inmates at the local jails/prisons, they are probably Democrats.

Doesn't matter much in MA, as we are a "one-party system" here, there aren't enough Republicans in any major city to fill a fair sized restaurant!
There was an 800 number on the news this morning if you wanted to Volenteer at Otis helpign these guys out.

I missed the number, but if anyone had it, would they please post it.

I would like to try to get out there this weekend and help anyway I can. These were neighbors of mine, and I would like to help other than just donating money. If it's making a bed, serving food, picking up trash. These are guests in MA, and I would like to make it as easy as we can on them.
I was at one time a refugee from California.I came here with a Glock,Beretta,clothes and a computer.I didn't lose everything in California,but I didn't have a lot to begin with.I didn't get a damn thing from .gov,nor did I expect anything.

So now these NO refugees are going to be given housing,food,shelter all on our dime.I hope people here(MA) aren't under the misconception the majority of these people are going to be fine outstanding citizens.They have been sucking on the .govs tittie for longer than I have been alive.

I have seen the people( On TV) that actually are striving to get thier lives back on track.They are working at WalMarts,Subway's,Home Depot's etc 5 friggin days after they were ordered to evacuate! As I watched these people on TV just trying to make ends meet against all odds,I thought to myself "These are the people that could use help".They are trying to at least help themselves.

I hope I am wrong,but most of these refugees will be doing nothing but filling out a change of addy form for thier .gov cheese checks.I'm sure it won't be long before I see some LA looters here in Great Brook Valley.

Someone asked me today if I donated to the relief effort.After I said I myself am a relief effort, I explained to them I donated to the tsunami victims,the hurricane victims and every other victims throughout the world with my tax dollars.

Ya,I'm a heartless bastard.
Well, you guys don't have to worry. They aren't coming here after all. From most of the reports that I heard. The people that were supposed to be coming up here decided to stay closer to home to be able to check on their jobs, their homes, and their property. I believe that most of the ones slated for MA were working class folks. But I could be wrong.
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