Massachusetts Politicians State of Mind

Martha Coakley would have us defer our safety and security to local and state law enforcement. The LEO community, through the court system, regularly and unambiguously reiterates it's lack of "Affirmative Duty" to follow through with this vital responsibility. There are many practical reasons for this, not the least is the ratio of Police to Citizenry. Yet Ms. Coakley, having striped us of the ability (and responsibility) to defend ourselves efficiently, blithely passing the responsibility for our safety down the line till it gets to the end where, like a bad pass, it's dropped and we pay the price.

She knows what she's doing and what she's doing is telling you that your life, and the lives of your loved ones, are worth less than her policy.

She's telling you that you shouldn't take care of yourself, thus encouraging one of the most scurrilous and reprehensible forms of weakness amongst her constituency.

There are myriad politicians whom I disagree with on issues, yet I have no reason to hate them personally. Ms Coakley, on the other hand, through her vile mantra of learned helplessness and her daily assaults on the freedoms that make me proud to be American, has personally insulted and endangered the people I care about. Ergo, she's unfit to lead in my opinion.

There, is that better than simply saying that she's a pile of dogshit?

Can't really put it much better than that.

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