Many liberals being diagnosed with "Trump Anxiety Disorder"

Maybe they should just shut off their television set/faceplant and stop whining. Or maybe they should just shut the f*** up and actually do something about the problems that supposedly exist, at least something other than clog up an intersection somewhere or whine. Oh wait, that would require actual work.


Work. The free shit army's kryptonite. Obviously they're gonna pick whining and bitching and clogging up intersections over that!
Since the DSM group that classifies mental disorders consists of far lefties this is a possible real thing. However, it would not be specific to President Trump, but rather like “Political Outcome Anxiety Disorder with definitions from mild to severe.

Many of us could have been diagnosed with this disorder from 2008-2016.

My treatment of POAD resulted in a doubling of ownership of guns, additional safes, and quadrupling of ammo supplies!(except for 22 of course and rectified post Trump)
I know I was in perpetual shock watching our country slowly being destroyed by Obama. Remember when he gave a speech to a group of our military and said that no terrorist attack happened on American soil under his watch? I wished I had a camera of the jaws dropping to the floor and the confused look of our men and women in uniform. All I could think of, as a civil employee, is that I work for this idiot.
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