MA FFL list?

Jan 22, 2014
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Is there a list of MA FFL’s? I am looking at a firearm on GB and need an FFL. I haven’t needed one to date but will if I decide to buy.
My location is central MA.
Thanks in advance
I don’t have a list of Mass FFLs but Pullman Arms in Worcester has done many transfers for me. I recommend them highly. Check with them but I think if you’re paying cash they charge $20.00.
Is there a list of MA FFL’s? I am looking at a firearm on GB and need an FFL. I haven’t needed one to date but will if I decide to buy.
My location is central MA.
Thanks in advance
There's a few list in the forum floating around. Central MA, I would recommend Pullman Arms in Worcester or Bobs in Webster or any of the guys in Littleton at the Mill.

But if you want to see the entire list of FFLs, you can download the list from the ATF Here
Is there a list of MA FFL’s? I am looking at a firearm on GB and need an FFL. I haven’t needed one to date but will if I decide to buy.
My location is central MA.
Thanks in advance
GB has FFL's in their system, when you check out you can search by zip and most have their fees listed. Just make sure the firearm is compliant or the FFL is willing to receive it before sending.
Be aware, there's still a bunch of 'coffee table' FFLs in the list from BATFE and they may not do transfers. I surprised a couple of them in my town when I called about doing a transfer. They wondered how I knew their name/phone number.
Just make sure the firearm is compliant or and the FFL is willing to receive it before sending.

Never blow off doing protocol with the FFL.
Plenty of examples on NES of FFLs refusing perfectly legal gunz, Because Reasons.
(Way more than the number of examples of buyers going to PMITA Prison
for importing something not Mass legal).

(You know all this better than I ever will.
Jus' sayin').
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