LTC references

i want to ask something, as my wife LTC saga will probably get delayed now for who knows what long... she always had very bad fingerprints - very thin lines. our police dep apparently got 'new and improved' scanner for fingerprints - and this new shit completely failed to take her fingers well. cop struggled with her for 40 min, then gave up and told her that now it will be submitted 'as is', then most likely be refused and will be returned back with demand to take the electronic scans again, which probably he thinks will fail again, then will be sent back with request for a paper copy. months to take.
anyone was via anything like this? as i am not sure what can be done with any of that BS, as it seems to be the process the state sets, not the town.
Similar happened with the renewal this year. Licensing officer suggested warming hands under hot water -- helped a little. Maybe pocket warmers to keep the fingertips warm/plumped.
Similar happened with the renewal this year. Licensing officer suggested warming hands under hot water -- helped a little. Maybe pocket warmers to keep the fingertips warm/plumped.
well, we are still waiting, i guess it will take an eternity now... :(
i want to ask something, as my wife LTC saga will probably get delayed now for who knows what long... she always had very bad fingerprints - very thin lines. our police dep apparently got 'new and improved' scanner for fingerprints - and this new shit completely failed to take her fingers well. cop struggled with her for 40 min, then gave up and told her that now it will be submitted 'as is', then most likely be refused and will be returned back with demand to take the electronic scans again, which probably he thinks will fail again, then will be sent back with request for a paper copy. months to take.
anyone was via anything like this? as i am not sure what can be done with any of that BS, as it seems to be the process the state sets, not the town.
she finally received ltc last week. i forgot already when it all started - november or august.
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