Loving guns makes you a repressed,Christian, wife beater

That second photo on the top at the gun show: looks like the dad has trained his son well in gun safety. Kid has muzzle pointed down, and his finger is away from the trigger. I'd say we need more like him!
I would think panicing to the point that you need to outlaw somebody else's lifestyle in spite of the fact that your new laws are unconstitutional would be a weaker person.
Whenever somebody gets all jesusy on me about guns i just say "didn't God create man in his own image?"

Who are you to say Gods not up there with an M1 snipping gargoyles off satans rooftop?

usually gets em pretty PO

Hrmmmm....this may take awhile, but if it makes him a "modern man" it is worth it right??

*snort* *snicker*

I think I will stick with the cigar-smoking, beer-drinking, gun-owning, truck-driving, bacon-eating husband. A darn sight more gentlemanly, interesting, and stimulating than the metro's I have met.
I just love that they jump to these wild conclusions. I love my guns, so much so that My father (The man who harassed me every week why I hadn't put in my application for my ltc) Has been lately calling me a gun nut and gets annoyed when I call him to update him about the attacks on our constitution, probably because it's daily now. So by the logic of the bloggers (Read:Yuppie) article (read: Rubbish) I am an over smoker (Don't smoke other than cigars every now and then) Over drinker (not often enough, mostly whisky with my cigars) oh and I beat my wife/gf (I used to raise money for batter women's shelters) hmmmmI see your logic mr hippy.
Well....lets see.....I am Jewish, not married, and happen to enjoy shooting sports and strongly support the 2A and the rest of our Constitution.......and hmm....a strong reminder that we have 1A which says that we don't have a national religion, and given the events of today, SCOTUS is probably going to redefine the meaning of "husband" and "wife" to remove the issue of gender from the mix.....that is the same Court that affirmed 2A rights in Heller.....interesting world we live in. Don't take the bait and ignore the idiots.
This is a prime example of the level of discrimination and defamation that gun owners face. I've suggested before that an Anti defamation-Anti discrimination lawsuit may be a way of reducing, or removing, the infringement of our rights and the implementation of bogus Gun Control laws . If this statement used another group in place of "Gun Lovers" the ACLU and every other "Civil Rights" group would be out in force. Never mind that the statement also acts in a negative light against Christian's, if it were Muslim's or Jew's there would be a call for Jihad or cries that that the author is an Anti Semite. There is nothing fair or responsible in painting legal, law abiding gun owners with such a broad brush and the fact that the Government, Main Stream Media and a large portion of the population buy into it angers and frustrates me incredibly.

As gun owners and firearms enthusiasts we support the economy, help with wild life management, protect our families, and sometimes strangers, and help promote a cornerstone of the foundation of our country. The fact that America is an armed society has prevented enemies from invasion and, in the early years of our nation, has assisted in the defeat of those who had. More and more the separation between US and Them becomes greater, to the point that there are two distinct opinions that cannot strike a balance. From a constitutional and societal perspective it is absolutely wrong that our 2nd Amendment right is being infringed upon. I no longer bother trying to convince a die hard Anti to consider my side of the fight. They are the most ridiculous, narcissistic people I've ever known. A person that is neutral or uninformed is worth my time and effort because they will evaluate the facts and make an informed decision. Some of these folks may want nothing to do with guns but will support the rights of those who do, and understand that it is important to the Constitution as a whole. People like the guy that wrote the article deserve to be dragged off to a FEMA camp and re-educated.
People like the guy that wrote the article deserve to be dragged off to a FEMA camp and re-educated.

No one deserves that. He deserves to be called out as the hateful, bigoted, intolerant, tyrranical person that he is. He deserves to be shunned by polite society (shun the nonbeliever!). He deserves to be the object of scorn and derision from critical thinkers.

But no one deserves to be locked in a cage like an animal, tortured, and mentally assaulted just because someone else doesn't like what they think or say.
No one deserves that. He deserves to be called out as the hateful, bigoted, intolerant, tyrranical person that he is. He deserves to be shunned by polite society (shun the nonbeliever!). He deserves to be the object of scorn and derision from critical thinkers.

But no one deserves to be locked in a cage like an animal, tortured, and mentally assaulted just because someone else doesn't like what they think or say.


p.s. magical liopleurodon.
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