Looking For A Gift For A WWII Vet


Road Warrior
NES Member
May 14, 2008
Living Free In The 603
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Admittedly, I've never posted in this section of the forum before, but maybe some of you know me by my reputation. [laugh]

I'm hoping one of you can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine is a WWII vet who served in the Pacific.
Needless to say, he's getting on in his years and I'd like to give him something meaningful. His 25+ year companion (my mother) knows for a fact that he doesn't have a veterans ball cap with the name of his ship on it. I've seen lots of vets wearing these, and I'm willing to bet there's one out there somewhere for this ship, I just want to know where to get it.

The name of the ship was USS SCHENCK (DD-159 / AG-82)

I found photos and history here:



Admittedly, I've never posted in this section of the forum before, but maybe some of you know me by my reputation. [laugh]

I'm hoping one of you can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine is a WWII vet who served in the Pacific.
Needless to say, he's getting on in his years and I'd like to give him something meaningful. His 25+ year companion (my mother) knows for a fact that he doesn't have a veterans ball cap with the name of his ship on it. I've seen lots of vets wearing these, and I'm willing to bet there's one out there somewhere for this ship, I just want to know where to get it.

The name of the ship was USS SCHENCK (DD-159 / AG-82)

I found photos and history here:




I think your best bet would be to search for crew reunions.
Admittedly, I've never posted in this section of the forum before, but maybe some of you know me by my reputation. [laugh]

I'm hoping one of you can point me in the right direction.

A friend of mine is a WWII vet who served in the Pacific.
Needless to say, he's getting on in his years and I'd like to give him something meaningful. His 25+ year companion (my mother) knows for a fact that he doesn't have a veterans ball cap with the name of his ship on it. I've seen lots of vets wearing these, and I'm willing to bet there's one out there somewhere for this ship, I just want to know where to get it.

The name of the ship was USS SCHENCK (DD-159 / AG-82)

I found photos and history here:




Seems like there are quite a few places that will make repros. Not as good as the original, but easier to find.

http://www.bowwake.com/Caps/caps.html?gclid=CLW4_aSohJ0CFVRM5QodAUFhbg (Not an endorsement, just found them on Google.)

More here: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ship+name+ball+caps

And it's a very nice thing for you to do by the way. +1

This is exactly what I'm looking for.

I just placed the order for a cap with the ships name, ID # and sillohuette. I splurged for the "scrambled eggs" on the visor and the words "Pacific Veteran" on the back.
This is gonna' look SWEET! [grin]
I'm glad I thought of this now because I'll have it in plenty of time to present to him for Veterans day (11/11)
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And tell him there's a whole country full of us fourty-somethings with kids who are grateful to him and all that served. Because of people like him my 2 boys are growing up speaking English, not Russian or Korean or German or Japanese,...or... or the Kings English.
And tell him there's a whole country full of us fourty-somethings with kids who are grateful to him and all that served. Because of people like him my 2 boys are growing up speaking English, not Russian or Korean or German or Japanese,...or... or the Kings English.

Whenever I meet a WWII vet, I always make it a point to shake their hand and say "Thank you for saving the world". It may sound corny, but it comes from the heart. Most of these guys are just humble folk who found themselves in a situation that required action, and they rose to the occassion. They don't think of themselves as heroes, just a guy doing a job.
In fact, I met one a few weeks ago, he was 90 years old. I asked about his service and he told me he was in the navy, but served on an airship. He did Atlantic patrols back and forth between Cuba and Newfoundland, watching the coastline for German subs. If spotted, they'd radio the location to the surface fleet. He admitted he was scared because a derigable was a BIG target. A Big, SLOW target, which could be taken down by the deck guns of an enemy sub, running on the surface while recharging their batteries. Even though he didn't see combat, he still deserves the same respect as anyone else who wore the uniform.

I bought a Pacific theater Kabar commemoritive a number of years ago. After my Dad passed I made a glass covered box w/ the knife, his ribbons, pictures, and some odds and ends he had.
It's not corny in the least. One of the things hubby and I love is when we have our 44 Willy's Jeep out at show and events is the WWII and Korea Vets.
We get some awesome stories, and a thumbs up with the restoration that hubby has done.
We always Thank them and let them know that our bringing the Jeep out is in honor of them.[wink]
I bought a Pacific theater Kabar commemoritive a number of years ago. After my Dad passed I made a glass covered box w/ the knife, his ribbons, pictures, and some odds and ends he had.

Kabars make excellent gifts for anyone who has served. I gave one to my buddy's father on his 70th birthday. His father served with Sandinista guerrilla forces in Nicaragua. He was honored to receive it.
This is exactly what I'm looking for.

I just placed the order for a cap with the ships name, ID # and sillohuette. I splurged for the "scrambled eggs" on the visor and the words "Pacific Veteran" on the back.
This is gonna' look SWEET! [grin]
I'm glad I thought of this now because I'll have it in plenty of time to present to him for Veterans day (11/11)

My Uncle Augie has the same hat for his ship and wears it constantly! Good choice! He's put a bunch of his pins on it like a mini Pacific Campaign ribbon etc. USS Charles J. Kimmel (DE-584)
Zappa, I know it is still a few weeks away from the presentation...but let us know how it goes. I am sure he will love it. Pic's if possible, and gratitude from another who is happy to speak English and not German.
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