Look what I found.

Are you guys serious? I don’t want to commit arson..that’s against the law anyways. Isn’t it?
I’m not sure where it came from, I can’t imagine it climbing up the cabinets, is it possible it came through the plumbing? I did successfully capture it and set it free outside in the woods. Something will probably eat it by the end of the day. View attachment 799523
Did you bring it home with some vegetables and or herbs ?
That’s my thinking.
My kid’s snake got out years ago and was missing somewhere in the house. I woke up one night with cold feet under the blankets. Snake found.

If that little snake’s Mom is in the house somewhere, she’ll find you.
Yea, no, you guys are not even joking.
If my wife found that in the sink: I could literally hear her screaming from here (I'm 4 miles up the road at work).
I'd come home and ask "Honey? what happened to all the full 30 round AR Mags that were in safe? And why does it feel really breezy in the kitchen?"
Looks like a baby garter snake. I used to catch them and bring them home... my mom wasn't pleased with me
A couple years ago I found a 2 footer on my counter and set it free, a few days later I found four little baby ones slithering in the basement.

The mother is somewhere in your house. They can have up to 100 babies
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