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LEO Purchase of Glocks

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Feedback: 76 / 1 / 0
The attached file is still applicable for 2006 and represents the prices for individual LEOs to purchase Glocks direct thru Glock or via a GLOCK AUTHORIZED LE DISTRIBUTOR (all caps because there are FEW authorized LE Distributors or Dealers, many claim to be but upcharge you $100+).

[NOTE: For NON-MA Residents this price list is ALSO valid for Military, EMS and many others who fit under the umbrella of "homeland security". Due to MGLs this applies ONLY to LEOs in MA.]

For Glocks, our local LE Distributor is Interstate Arms in Billerica, MA http://www.interstatearms.com/ and ask for Susan. You send your credentials and payment to them and have them ship to your local dealer. Carl at Four Seasons www.fsguns.com will take care of the transfer to the individual officer.

NOTE: Interstate Arms can offer other brands other than Glock to LEOs. As long as they are on the EOPS List MA LEOs can purchase them, otherwise you are out of luck. Those in "free states" can get anything that Interstate sells.

NOTE: The contractual agreement for individual officer purchase of Glocks requires that the officer must hold the gun at least one year prior to reselling it. To do otherwise subjects the officer to potential legal action (civil action: contract violation) from Glock. You can expect most other companies to have similar requirements to protect their dealers from unscrupulous folks buying and selling their guns and undercutting the local legitimate dealers.
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I just did a LEO purchase through Sig. Payment is right to them and they will ship to any dealer you specify. Better setup that we had through S&W.

Is that price list direct from Glock? I've seen lower pricing through some other LE outlets.
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TTBOMK it is direct from Glock pricing. I captured it off of GlockTalk a few months ago.
Glock LE Pricing

One of the suppliers I used in past years, www.ombExpress.com has much better pricing.

Glock 17, 19, 22, 23, 27 & 26 are $398.00 officer price. Glock 21, 30 & 36 are $464.00. Night Sights add about $50.00 to each. Serice models have three magazines, off duty two magazines. They also carry a large supply of parts.

I must state that I've never purchased a firearm from this company, only other LE items.[grin]
I'm seeing the same prices in what you posted and what I posted??

Only difference I can think of is if Dept buys it and has it shipped to them, they don't pay 10% FET. If they later sell it to the individual officer, s/he saves that FET. But this isn't legal if done intentionally.

Some officers report this kind of deal, but when I bought my Trooper MK III as a duty weapon back in the late 1970s, I had my chief order it from our LE supplier. I had to go pick it up when it was in and they explained that I had to pay the 10% FET and 5% Sales Tax as it was an individually owned gun, not a department gun.
Those prices listed from Interstate Arms for individual officer Glock purchase are a little high for an "authorized" Glock distributor. The shop I frequent, who is not technically an "authorized" Glock LE distributor, sells them to individual officers for at least $10 cheaper than that. Usually, the factory authorized distributors can beat other shop's prices.
Hawg, since the price list allegedly came from Glock directly, unless the dealer is dipping into his/her profit margin, I wouldn't expect any lower price. I certainly wouldn't turn down a lower price either however! [smile]
Hawg, since the price list allegedly came from Glock directly, unless the dealer is dipping into his/her profit margin, I wouldn't expect any lower price. I certainly wouldn't turn down a lower price either however! [smile]

That's the price from Glock for a "quantity one" order placed directly with Glock.

This is not an assurance that this is best price offered by Glock, or that high volume dealers to not get better deals.
I know in NJ they were going for just under $400 LE pricing.

What do you call $398.20 for a G17/22/23/etc. with 3 hi-cap mags?? [wink]

Better read the fine print. The above is the base price. If you want night sights, there is a higher price listed, etc.
Well, Interstate Arms sells a lot more than Glock. I published that list because I have no other similar list from any other mfr, or they would have been posted too.
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