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"LEGALITY" of this Glock?

Jul 25, 2005
Feedback: 13 / 0 / 0
Hoping to get some help on this:

I have a possibilty of picking up a used G27 from a private party, in this case an active duty LEO. He says he's not sure if a non-LEO can own the gun though. (It is his own weapon, not a dept. issues, of course) Best guess on the date of manufacture from an unofficial serial number search is 2001. (Prefix is EHM) Some lists call it a Gen "2.5", but it does have the grip features of a 3rd gen gun.

I believe it has always been a Mass gun, to the extent that factors into the equation, if at all.

Are there any such restrictions on private party, FTF sales that I may be missing or is he confusing the issues with the newer, most recent Massachusetts Glock recall/SNAFU.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, as always.

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You should be fine. It's only dealers that can't/won't resell them. However the only way you can buy a post 98 Glock is from someone inside MA at this time... since otherwise you'd need to go through an FFL. Go for it, the baby Glocks are sweet!

BTW- 2.5 Gen Baby Glock all have the molded finger grips. Another words- 2.5=3 in the sub compacts.
Perfectly legal. Only the mags he has are going to be a problem, as they will be LE-restricted (either marked as such or "no ban" mags). Easy to replace them with 10rd mags and you are good to go.
LenS said:
Perfectly legal. Only the mags he has are going to be a problem, as they will be LE-restricted (either marked as such or "no ban" mags). Easy to replace them with 10rd mags and you are good to go.

Don't the factory G27 mags only hold 9 rounds? If so would they really have the LE markings? MA is weird.
I thought that the .40S&W (G27) was 11 rds, but if I'm wrong this isn't an issue as long as the mags only can hold 10 or fewer rds.
A guy at work just ordered a brand new 27. He's chomping at the bit waiting for it, it's on backorder. I'll ask him this afternoon what it holds.
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