Looking to go pistol shopping this weekend.
the first hurdle, im a lefty.
I know all Berettas have ambidexterous safeties and most have a slide lock that can be shifted to the other side. but Living in Massachusetts and with all the snow and ice and sand and rock salt we got up here, im not really apprehensive about having an open slide..
I was really hoping to get a H&K P2000 as its 100% ambi, but from what i understand most H&K's are not mass compliant. would love to get a glock 19 or 26, and i can operate the slide and magazine release with my trigger finger, but under stress and with only gross motor function, im not so certain i could do the same fancy finger juggling.Plus simply by reloading i would be required to hold the pistol with only a couple fingers, not a good defensive grip imho.
im open to any recomendations.
thanks all
the first hurdle, im a lefty.

I know all Berettas have ambidexterous safeties and most have a slide lock that can be shifted to the other side. but Living in Massachusetts and with all the snow and ice and sand and rock salt we got up here, im not really apprehensive about having an open slide..
I was really hoping to get a H&K P2000 as its 100% ambi, but from what i understand most H&K's are not mass compliant. would love to get a glock 19 or 26, and i can operate the slide and magazine release with my trigger finger, but under stress and with only gross motor function, im not so certain i could do the same fancy finger juggling.Plus simply by reloading i would be required to hold the pistol with only a couple fingers, not a good defensive grip imho.
im open to any recomendations.
thanks all