LE AR-15

Yeah, and its pretty fricken annoying in what should be a more technical subforum and not the GD/OT forums.

Yes, the information could probably be found with a search. Maybe the OP doesn't know the specific search terms. Let's face it, Mass doesn't have a huge "gun culture" and the 87 brazillion Mass gun laws often obfuscates what are common federal laws.

What is wrong with someone popping in and asking a question that deserves a real simple answer. AFTER he gets that answer and replies is the time to start f***ing with him.

Having a thick skin is cool and all that, but deliberately being a cocksucker and driving away new members is not the way to keep a forum or the 2A community running and growing.
^^^^ Spot ON! Thanks for posting this.

We are NOT helping our cause by giving out wrong info in a technical sub-forum, scaring away new members, etc.

Even if some think that it is funny, sarcastic, etc. and the specific post doesn't end with "just kidding", some will take it as fact and be scared off of doing something perfectly legal.

I know that it is too much to hope for, but it would be nice if people would think twice before posting . . . especially if someone might mis-interpret the humor/sarcasm.
So, I was talking to some of my local gun buddies at the range shooting our .40 Shields (with manual safties or a 10lb trigger pull) and we were thrilled to find out that Maura Healy is a big fan and frequent flyer at Kimball Farm Ice Cream right down the street from the mill in Littleton. I heard her favorite flavor was the lickety-split
Nah, she goes for the hot buttered tuna.
@Guzzi don’t take offense to the boys around here… the sarcasm you’re probably picking up on is because when a new member asks a Newb question about the law or what’s legal in an Internet forum it tends to send up a bunch of red flags.

Here is some sound and sincere advice:

Go “Green” on the forum. By paying the modest fee for membership, you’ll avoid some of the heartache of being accused of being an Internet troll or fake account. Stick around a while, complete more than a few FTF transactions and join the community to earn a bit more credibility (and trust). In the process you’ll get a lot of those dumb Newb questions answered along the way.

Join Goal. They have excellent classes in MA firearms law. Educate yourself without the need to ask others… if you have kids you know how annoying it is when they ask you what time it is as they are literally standing next to a clock.

Consult a competent and qualified attorney in the relevant jurisdiction. I’m sure your neighbor is a fine fellow… probably great to have a beer with in the summer and let’s you borrow his lawn mower. But even the best LEOs dont command a mastery of the law, more of a ‘working knowledge.’ There is no way of you knowing his level of knowledge. Trust but verify, as with everything in life. When in doubt, pay a professional.

My opinion is irrelevant to your situation. You do you. Best of luck, hopefully you’ll consider sticking around. Happy holidays.

that was very eloquent Mtn, did you really type that out? Or did you copy and pasted it and change the name at the top? 🤓
that was very eloquent Mtn, did you really type that out? Or did you copy and pasted it and change the name at the top? 🤓

All me… I waffled between being an a$$ or being constructive in my reply to OP… both can be appropriate depending on place and time 😜. In this instance, I felt OP was being sincere and not a troll, so I responded accordingly.

Any similarity between my post and someone else’s is purely by coincidence, although I will acknowledge the numerous posts of @Len-2A Training and @Rob Boudrie and others that I have read over the years (in addition to several legal seminars I’ve attended) that have helped to inform my opinion.
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